Wednesday, May 18, 2005

part three: the path

Thanks brooke.
A: take the path

The path, how ever uninviting it was, seemed to be the best option as it were. So down the path he went. It seemed days of walking. The path never seemed to end as it twisted and turned each way. As he looked to either side he found he was enshrouded with a thick forest. Even if one (unwisely) chose to leave the path, it would be a task in itself. The trees were so tangled together that it was an amazing thing to see. Here and there crossing the path he could spot game trails of smaller creatures. Hoping that these tiny tracks belonged to the larger of the known creatures of this place, he walked onward. As he came around the next bend he was startled to hear the fisrt voice since the begining of this very odd morning.

"are you lost?" came the voice.

The fact was this voice was a very odd voice indeed, for it's sound started with a rumbling purr and ended in that of a croak. A very hard voice to describe indeed. As he peered across the path, he could not of prepared him self for what he saw. For it was a lion with the face of a frog.

He stammered a bit til he regained his wits and replied.....

What did he say?

A: nope just out for a walk, by the way where am I?
B: Have you seen any vending machines? I wanna dr pepper
C: yes, if you please sir, I'm looking for a way home
D: dang you're ugly
F: have you seen a white rabbit?


M said...

This is remarkably like an Alice in Wonderland story--except you're a punk, unlike Alice, so you should totally go with the punky response like....


Or maybe this time you should go with the SECOND response....that's your cue, Luke. Hurry up. If you blow it, it's your own fault. :-P

Luke said...

oo, oo!!! ummm...

I don't know...I hate making decisions...oo, oo....umm....well.....ok...I

B....yeah B.

Luke said...

thanks Michelle

Luke said...

now Chris'll get bored and quit, watch.

Luke said...

do I have a bad attitude?

Luke said...

I love you Chris.

Anon said...

Where's the next part?
I wanna know what happens!!

Anonymous said...

I'd just kiss the frog and see what happens.

Who knows Chris, you may just get that knight in shining armor you've been yearning for.

er wait...

hey! maybe it's that one girl! yeah! you should DEFINITELY just kiss the frog.

Jimmy1027 said...

It's an obvious choice...

C, Choose C!!!

It's really the only choice that goes with the foreboding Lewis-Carrol-esk narrative.