Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Mr Green, the lead pipe, in the ballroom.

I have not given up on you and I hope that you have not given up on me. The reason that I have not had time to ramble on is that is has been a long time since I have had to wait for beloved. She left her job in KC cause the drive was getting to her and the lack of time we had together was wearing on us. She actually found a job doing hospice care here in bourbon county. So we are really excited to get our evenings back. We have had almost a month now where she has been between jobs and home in the evenings which we have filled with aggressive games of clue. I haven't been able to prove it yet and she denies it, but I KNOW she cheats.

Anyway my point here is pretty much no more waiting for beloved SO we're gonna have to think of something else to call this. Preferably something to do with my beloved but not something that will motivate her to fix creamed spinach every night til I change it. Side note: to those of you that are wondering whats wrong with that; there is something wrong with you.

News bulletin (at least for me) my little brother has now joined the work force and is hitting 40 hours a week this summer. Kudos. Also I'm wiping away a tear of joy and pride as I announce that my little sister got up on a wakeboard last week. Yeah Liv you rock.

Not a whole lot else is new around here.

I bout made Janelle freak when I balanced in one of the trees last weekend with the chainsaw. There were some limbs kinda high and off of the main trunk that "needed" cut. As she saw me cutting she had decided that trimming some of the dead limbs off wasn't as important as she thought. It got me thinking what other household activities that I could use the chainsaw for that I could get out of. Like taking out the trash. If something doesn't all fit in the burn barrel.........er I mean... um... RECYCLING BARREL... then I could trim off the edges right?

Closing thought:

Did you know that if you were a migratory bird you would have to almost double your weight before you left? Yeah, whoa! Something to think about.

Monday, July 10, 2006


I was talkin to a friend of mine and he was like "yeah even though yer like a thousand miles away, it's good to keep up with you through your blog..... OH WAIT, NEVERMIND." and I was like "oh yeah I got one of those".


So what's new here? Let's see :

I found that in order to give the puppies a bath, one needs really good reflexes.

A deer that lived close by had an unhealthy crush on the car. I guess the car wasn't ready for a relationship and that whole situation ended up kinda bad. Did you know that a 150 pound deer carcass will disappear in the Kansas wild country in two days?

One cup of bleach and a gallon of water will cure just about anything that's growin on the house.

One cup of dish soap and 1/4 cup of glycerine and 12 cups of water make one heck of a bubble.

and last of all, I had my first family members from Illinois come out to visit since me and my beloved got married. Ed and Bonnie, we had a blast. We hope you guys come out again soon.