Thursday, May 12, 2005

Life is good

My computer fried out.

Like massively.

like... oygoodnessisthatsmoke?????

not really, but kinda.

So the rest of today is shot,
all my work goes to Simon til I can fix it.

which mean's diagnostics for the rest of the day.

which means click a button and wait for the polar ice caps to melt, which will probably happen before these test are done.

so the tests got done and poof.. nuthin.


Time for tech support.

I love calling those guys.
So I just got off the phone with a teck guy from sunny CA. His name was john. He were getting along great and the computer was not playing nice and I was ready to gear up for a great conversation with a total stranger when he said to pop in the installl disk and blah blah blah blah and that I could probably take it form there.


I liked john. I bet if he woulda stayed on the phone for another hour we coulda became good friends. I bet if he had a dog, I could found out what it's name was.

Last teck call I made was awesome. I don't remember his name but he lived in India. For the 2+ hours we were on the phone I found that he was married and had three kids. Amoung many many other things I found that It was a beautiful day in India that day. His drive to work that morning took three hours because he didn't live in the city. But it was fine. He liked it better in the country cause there are way too many people in the city. He didn't have any pets, and he liked soccer. Both his parents have passed away and he was the youngest of a large family. I would of found out what kinda car he drove but he was getting frustrated at my computer and told me he was sorry but I had to wipe it clean and start over. He did thank me for the wonderful conversation and hoped everything turned out right. I told him to say hi to his kids for me...

I might just call back and see if I can't talk to john again...
I bet he surfs.
He sounded like a surfer.


Luke said...

I'm bettin' the three hour commute guy with 3 kids got paid a heck of a lot less than the CA surfer dude.

Anonymous said...

but who do you think is more content?

Anonymous said...

i LOVE flirting w/ the Indian techies! My computer has been plagued w/ problems since I got it. I'm ALWAAAAYS on the phone w/ Dell.

I have a long list of my "Dell Boyfriends." It's a great joke in Apt. 7. "Britni's on the phone w/ another of her boyfriends again!"

The last one that assisted me was from the Philippines. He about died when I told him I had 8 years of school left. Apparently they all think that you get out in like 2 years "over in the States."

If you've never experienced a Dell techie I highly reccomend calling 1.800.999.3355 and asking for Rajesh. He works 2-10. :)

Chris said...

I bet John was more content, if he had a dog and surfed...

UNLESS he always wanted to live in india 3 hours from his job. Yeah then I doubt he was content. Cause hey, it's India right?

.....I loved the Jungle Book.