Thursday, April 28, 2005

Finding a happy place

"What file did you use?"

Me: "The one I got this morning"

"The two pages?"

Me: "There were three pages"

"Use the file with the two pages that she sent to you"

Me: "when?"

"this morning"

Me: "I got a three pager from that address at about 9:30, is that it?"

"she said she sent a 2 page file"

note: at this point I'm ready to let her talk to my boot.

Me: "when was it sent?"

"this morning"

Me: "have her check her sent mail in her account... what does it say"

(long pause)

"........oh...... she's sending a two page file now. If you use that one, can you get it out tonight?"

note: UPS is leaving in about 10 min

Me: "we will see, it's kinda late"

"see if you can"

little later

Me: "got the file, there's no extension. It was freehand before, I used that to open it and there's only one page"

"it's a two pa...."

Me: "yeah I know. What is the program used?"

"I don't know"

Me: "um...."

this is the part where i add every extension that i can think of til something pops up with two pages

I'm feeling a memo coming on
it's almost friday right?


Luke said...

I love my job. I'm grateful that God has placed me in a country that I can get a job. I'm grateful that I can afford a car...and a computer...and other things that 90% of the rest of the world can't.

Is it Friday yet?

Chris said...

I greatful for friends like vanessa.

know what? Today is friday, and I think I'm gonna write a memo to luke.

It's ok to chastise me, cause it usually goes in one ear and out the other. Neslon (my department head) tells me that it's because there's nothing in the middle to stop it.... I told him he's just jelious cause I'm young and I have hair.

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for friends like chris and for his great friends cause they keep me entertained and help take my focus off finals!