Monday, April 25, 2005


I glance at my watch and then the clock on the wall.

I wonder which one is wrong.

Either way, she's late.

Frustrated I take another sip of coffee. Glancing around I see faces that I would usually associate with this place. He's probably a writer, poking at his laptop fanatically trying to make a deadline. In the corner there is a young woman with a portfolio; dead give away she's an artist. Others of the like came and went. Some get their coffee and sit, some take it and leave, probably for the park. It's a beautiful day. All are welcome here and it looks like just about all have come and gone.... execpt for her. I glance up as the bell on the door announces another arrival. Nice coat. I want a wool one too, with a scarf just like that but no hat, I don't like hats.

Staring back down at my half empty cup I try to remember the conversation earlier in the out door market. I had seen her there before a ton of times. Finding she was 60 cent's short for tomatoes, I came to the rescue.

Door Bell again.

Her? Nope.

I get up and go to the counter with my empty mug to ask for another and with the look the patron gives me, I wonder how many times have been up here asking the same.

As I sit I glance out the window to watch the world go by. A million different people going about like ants on their way to whatever tasks are consuming their day. Each one shoulder to shoulder with a complete stranger. That's what we were til she ran outta change for her tomatoes. She said she had seen me there before. I wondered if I was the only one who thought that. I guess I was wrong. She said the coffee shop on the corner of 5th and Parkway. I loved that place and I wondered how she knew about it.

The bell rang again and I stopped looking up becuase she's not coming. She forgot. She had second thought's. I looked up. She was standing right there.

same smile.
Same scarf.
looking at me look at her.

"Is this seat taken?"
and just like that
she sat down,
and the rest of the world melted away.

I knew she'd come


Luke said...

oo la la. I wanna meet her too!

Chris said...

I am SO not telling.