Monday, April 25, 2005

Dangerous times in boredom

You think I would learn my lesson.

When I get bored, psycho odd posts come out. The likes of Guy Einsam (which I have decied to repost in it's entirety in one post) or adventures of the hunter on Planet Rether or crashlanding on planet sekan printing are brought to life or suddenly I wonder what it would be like to be a fish. I still think It would be cool to be a fish. But that's not the point. I post when I have something to say, which is great, but i also post when I have nothing to say. Or I post whatever randomness is floating in my head, which is fine too. I would appologzie BUT this IS my blog and it IS aptly titled. SO with that being said, brace yourselves, I'm getting bored again.


Luke said...

Bring it on. I'm tired...tired Mondays are good signs of a great weekend...I'm tired.

M said...

Stream of consciousness writing technique--that's what your blog is. And it's stupendous!!!! :-P