I took my Doctor Pepper cans from the last couple months to the recycling place the other day and got 11.75 back. Not quite the self sustaining habit that I'm trying to convince my beloved that it is.
Lots has happened since I last wrote, but I can't remember half of it.
I just know that it happened.
Oh well.
I'd ask my love but I have gotten quite numb to the response "Are you serious?"
I think Alzheimer's is setting in a tad early this generation. Someone asked the name's of my in-laws last week or something and I totally drew a blank. It was as if the little men in my head got a tad over zealous in last years spring cleaning. I'm getting quite used to the evenings when she starts getting ready to go somewhere; I know I better start getting ready too, even though I have no idea for what. AND I DARE NOT ask where we are going as an exasperated sigh would most definitely precede a "Honey we TALKED about this YESTERDAY!" If I had forgotten myself and asked the first question, I would most definitely save myself with a "oooohh yeah that, I'm sorry I didn't realize what time it was I should get ready too." That usually works until I have finished with my shower and i'm in the closest wracking my brain trying to figure out what's going on and what the appropriate attire would be. There's a secret to that one too. "Hey did you have something particular in mind that I should wear? Did you want to match or something?" Usually that would be where I get the "Not really, were just going to my parents ya know" or a "yeah it would be nice if you wore your dark slacks and the green turtle neck" or whatever. Rarely I am totally up a creek when she would answer just wear what you usually do. Then I gotta come clean and the chris hits the fan and she starts going on that I always forget and I need to try harder and blah blah blah.
It's almost better to just go out in the slacks and the sweater and get a "are you seriously gonna wear that?"
"Too much?" I answer.
"uh yeah, we're just going to Joplin to do some Christmas shopping"
"Well... um.. I felt like dressing up"
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
think outside of the (mail)box
For the sixth time now, others have decided that we really didn't have a use for a mailbox. However hard we beg to differ, the result is still the same: a crushed box, a broken post, and a disgruntled father-in-law who has to come over and dig a new post hole or try to salvage the old one.
I called the post office to declare my misfortune and ask for possible solutions. One of the biggest problems that we faced is that the driver would be heading west on the road I live on. That means the mailbox would have to be on the north side of the road. We live on the south. The box is on property that I'm not sure that I have the right to modify and even if I could, the ditch is too deep and steep to do anything.
After listening to many that I couldn't do, (i.e. build the ditch bigger and offset the box from the road) I offered one. It was simply to put the box inside the drive closer to the house and farther from danger. This was disregarded almost immediately because of regulations. Unless there is a doctors order that health was in danger there would be no house delivery. I explained that it wouldn't be house delivery and that the driver would not have to reverse out of the driveway because of the circle drive. Still regulations state that only if a doctor certified heath risk was involved would a driver be obligated to pull into a driveway at all.
SO the only way outta this is gleamingly clear.
Dig yet another hole, erect a post, set a box to the top, and then Duct Tape a possum to the mailbox.
CLEARLY there would be a health risk to the opossum the next time the box gets creamed, any doctor can see that. In addition anyone delivering and receiving mail would scare it enough that the animal would "play dead" and no harm would delivered and or received by the creature.
Anyway you look at it, it's almost a win-win situation for everyone.... except the possum.
Then with the health risk of the poor little rat-like, stinky, ugly, make your dogs bark at two in the morning til their throats are raw type creature, OF COURSE the post office will let me build a box inside the driveway. And if they don't, well that will be a sight to see the next time the box gets bashed
I called the post office to declare my misfortune and ask for possible solutions. One of the biggest problems that we faced is that the driver would be heading west on the road I live on. That means the mailbox would have to be on the north side of the road. We live on the south. The box is on property that I'm not sure that I have the right to modify and even if I could, the ditch is too deep and steep to do anything.
After listening to many that I couldn't do, (i.e. build the ditch bigger and offset the box from the road) I offered one. It was simply to put the box inside the drive closer to the house and farther from danger. This was disregarded almost immediately because of regulations. Unless there is a doctors order that health was in danger there would be no house delivery. I explained that it wouldn't be house delivery and that the driver would not have to reverse out of the driveway because of the circle drive. Still regulations state that only if a doctor certified heath risk was involved would a driver be obligated to pull into a driveway at all.
SO the only way outta this is gleamingly clear.
Dig yet another hole, erect a post, set a box to the top, and then Duct Tape a possum to the mailbox.
CLEARLY there would be a health risk to the opossum the next time the box gets creamed, any doctor can see that. In addition anyone delivering and receiving mail would scare it enough that the animal would "play dead" and no harm would delivered and or received by the creature.
Anyway you look at it, it's almost a win-win situation for everyone.... except the possum.
Then with the health risk of the poor little rat-like, stinky, ugly, make your dogs bark at two in the morning til their throats are raw type creature, OF COURSE the post office will let me build a box inside the driveway. And if they don't, well that will be a sight to see the next time the box gets bashed
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
I am freezing
And I don't wanna hear any "you think THAT"S cold, well blah blah..."
Whatever, I'm freezing. But the furnace is staying OFF. Beloved wouldn't let me turn the AC on in September when I was so hot I had to stand in front of the refrigerator to cool down, so she can wait till December. The only backfire to this is that her ice cold nose has been finding it's way to the back of my neck, making me jump outta my skin. NOT cool.
Beloved was reading my blog and noticed that all I talk about anymore is boring stuff like the puppies (with the exception of the turtle incident which she wasn't all excited about). I happen to think that the puppies are far from boring and make for wonderful conversation.... but as I read what I type I realize that I'm not all that far from someone who would personify a pet to excess. EX: I was over at a friends house the other day and their dog went ape. My friends dad grabbed the animal, picked it up and said "oh that's sucha bad puppy! YES YOU ARE!! Now you apologize, come on say your sorry! Say your sorry! come on!"
I half expected for the dog to look at me any say "Look dude, my bad. I didn't recognize you and honestly you do somewhat smell like bacon".
My dogs go ape, they get smacked. nuff said.
SO the idea that this session was NOT going to be about my dogs, I'll pull a subject change and talk about something else.
let's see...
I have a shoe horn.
I think it's from the Shoe Carnival... because is says Shoe Carnival on it.
That would be a good clue.
I only bring this up not because I use it often, but because it's right here on the computer desk and I'm looking at it. It's here because that's where I put it after I frantically searched for it and couldn't find it; so now I know where it is next time i need it. What did I need it for? This week I killed my fourth scorpion with it. Well the first one was outside and that one was killed with a rock. Two others have come up through drains and have been shoe horned. The one this week was polite enough to use the front door. It's still got shoe horned. I like the shoe horn approach because WHO DOES THAT??? Also because a massive case of aftermath heebeegeebees can be averted that way and......
Ok speaking of heebeegeebees, a slight case is setting in right now so I'm gonna change the subject.
or just quit here and think happy thoughts....
yeah I think I'll do that.
Whatever, I'm freezing. But the furnace is staying OFF. Beloved wouldn't let me turn the AC on in September when I was so hot I had to stand in front of the refrigerator to cool down, so she can wait till December. The only backfire to this is that her ice cold nose has been finding it's way to the back of my neck, making me jump outta my skin. NOT cool.
Beloved was reading my blog and noticed that all I talk about anymore is boring stuff like the puppies (with the exception of the turtle incident which she wasn't all excited about). I happen to think that the puppies are far from boring and make for wonderful conversation.... but as I read what I type I realize that I'm not all that far from someone who would personify a pet to excess. EX: I was over at a friends house the other day and their dog went ape. My friends dad grabbed the animal, picked it up and said "oh that's sucha bad puppy! YES YOU ARE!! Now you apologize, come on say your sorry! Say your sorry! come on!"
I half expected for the dog to look at me any say "Look dude, my bad. I didn't recognize you and honestly you do somewhat smell like bacon".
My dogs go ape, they get smacked. nuff said.
SO the idea that this session was NOT going to be about my dogs, I'll pull a subject change and talk about something else.
let's see...
I have a shoe horn.
I think it's from the Shoe Carnival... because is says Shoe Carnival on it.
That would be a good clue.
I only bring this up not because I use it often, but because it's right here on the computer desk and I'm looking at it. It's here because that's where I put it after I frantically searched for it and couldn't find it; so now I know where it is next time i need it. What did I need it for? This week I killed my fourth scorpion with it. Well the first one was outside and that one was killed with a rock. Two others have come up through drains and have been shoe horned. The one this week was polite enough to use the front door. It's still got shoe horned. I like the shoe horn approach because WHO DOES THAT??? Also because a massive case of aftermath heebeegeebees can be averted that way and......
Ok speaking of heebeegeebees, a slight case is setting in right now so I'm gonna change the subject.
or just quit here and think happy thoughts....
yeah I think I'll do that.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Motivated and typing
So I think I left off with a skunk in the corner of the garage and fire in the mind. Well I lost interest in the telling it so in short I brought the fire kettle shown here in the garage, put it under a spot where the ceiling was the highest and had a little blaze going. In about an hour the skunk smell was gone replaced by the beautiful smell of cedar and pine smoke, and the skunk was half out of it when I went to "persuade" it with a golf club to leave my garage. I read about the energy animals can sense from a person in Cesar Milan's book. I guess it does work. I went in with no aggression and no fear and i pretty much scooped it out with a rake and a three iron.
So how do ya ground a dog? Today Charley decided that he was going to go on a walk with a neighbor as she was passing by. Try as she could she couldn't get him to stay home so together they went for three miles down to the lake and back. During the excursion I got home from work and was warmly greeted by our other puppy named Lucy. Until then I had yet to see one dog without the other so I did the only logical thing that one could do....
Yeah I totally freaked out.
Long story short we were in the jeep ready to go looking and here the neighbor lady comes with Charley right beside her trotting down the road without a care in the world. She said he was great.
What I said to the dog:
You little punk what were you thinking? I was freakin out! I'm not playin, dog!
What he heard:
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah play
What's ironic is I think that's the same thing I heard when I was getting chewed out by my parents in high school. Anyway the dog is back and there was much rejoicing in the Land.
So how do ya ground a dog? Today Charley decided that he was going to go on a walk with a neighbor as she was passing by. Try as she could she couldn't get him to stay home so together they went for three miles down to the lake and back. During the excursion I got home from work and was warmly greeted by our other puppy named Lucy. Until then I had yet to see one dog without the other so I did the only logical thing that one could do....
Yeah I totally freaked out.
Long story short we were in the jeep ready to go looking and here the neighbor lady comes with Charley right beside her trotting down the road without a care in the world. She said he was great.
What I said to the dog:
You little punk what were you thinking? I was freakin out! I'm not playin, dog!
What he heard:
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah play
What's ironic is I think that's the same thing I heard when I was getting chewed out by my parents in high school. Anyway the dog is back and there was much rejoicing in the Land.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Hi, how are ya? It's been a bit since we have talked. Sorry about that. My bad. All sorts of stuff to talk about but never the time. Even if I had the time I have had very little motivation. But now I have both!
what to talk about..
I just had a very memorable weekend in Sabetha Kansas. I found that reading some Dr. Suess books as fast as you can can be a very rewarding experience. Just so you know I AM Mr. Pick-up-sticks and the grand champion of hide-and-seek. I did get my rear end handed to me in the memory game, but those 4 year old girls are ruthless. I have recently come to find out that that there was some cheating as certain marks and creases on the backs of certain cards were memorized well before hand. But all's well that ends well.
In other news there was another fire nearby but as things would be I didn't start it. A neighbor a mile or so west (who isn't the brightest bulb on the block) decided that a gusty day and on one of the driest months out of the year thought it would be a grand idea if he would try a controlled burn. Yeah that didn't quite work out like he planned.... Imagine that. The burn, powered by pretty good winds, took three fields. As I was getting home from work I pulled into my drive to see a red pickup leaving my backyard and entering the driveway at a fairly high rate of speed. I blocked the driveway to stop him and ask him what he thought he was doing, but it was a fireman in an unmarked truck that said the blaze hadn't came though the trees yet.
The first thought was "oh..... I guess that's good."
Second thought was "WHAT BLAZE?"
All said and done I am proud of our volunteer rural fire department. No houses damaged although the ones closest got within a couple feet. The wind was going just right that it flared up again behind our house. Again I am very thankful for a great rural fire department.
What else?
New Scores are out:
We wake up the other day to a series of very urgent barks and a yelp. I wasn't left to wonder what happened for very long when I went to the garage and smelled our very unwelcome visitor. I mistakenly later told Janelle that we HAD (past tense) a skunk because I smelled him in the garage and on the dogs. After she left and I was going to my car, I noticed the roll of carpet in the corner kinda wobble. I walked over to see what was going on and there he was, and there I went. Fastest 180 in the west. I opened the door and waited a while. When I went back out I didn't see him so I got in the car and left. I gave my beloved a call to let her know not to park in the garage and proceeded with my day. When I got back my love told me that the dogs had been guarding a corner of the garage. Peeking under some Jeep seats I saw it, quite content and very unreachable to the dogs. SO only thing to do, build a fire in the garage. (it was a very calm day and there's no wind in the garage anyway). For all those who are scrolling up to see what I called the neighbor who decided he wanted to play with fire too, I would like for you to keep one very important thing in mind; if I were to accidentally burn the house down, it would've happened by now.
ANYWAY I'm getting tired of typing and it's getting late so I think I'm gonna finish this tomorrow.
what to talk about..
I just had a very memorable weekend in Sabetha Kansas. I found that reading some Dr. Suess books as fast as you can can be a very rewarding experience. Just so you know I AM Mr. Pick-up-sticks and the grand champion of hide-and-seek. I did get my rear end handed to me in the memory game, but those 4 year old girls are ruthless. I have recently come to find out that that there was some cheating as certain marks and creases on the backs of certain cards were memorized well before hand. But all's well that ends well.
In other news there was another fire nearby but as things would be I didn't start it. A neighbor a mile or so west (who isn't the brightest bulb on the block) decided that a gusty day and on one of the driest months out of the year thought it would be a grand idea if he would try a controlled burn. Yeah that didn't quite work out like he planned.... Imagine that. The burn, powered by pretty good winds, took three fields. As I was getting home from work I pulled into my drive to see a red pickup leaving my backyard and entering the driveway at a fairly high rate of speed. I blocked the driveway to stop him and ask him what he thought he was doing, but it was a fireman in an unmarked truck that said the blaze hadn't came though the trees yet.
The first thought was "oh..... I guess that's good."
Second thought was "WHAT BLAZE?"
All said and done I am proud of our volunteer rural fire department. No houses damaged although the ones closest got within a couple feet. The wind was going just right that it flared up again behind our house. Again I am very thankful for a great rural fire department.
What else?
New Scores are out:
We wake up the other day to a series of very urgent barks and a yelp. I wasn't left to wonder what happened for very long when I went to the garage and smelled our very unwelcome visitor. I mistakenly later told Janelle that we HAD (past tense) a skunk because I smelled him in the garage and on the dogs. After she left and I was going to my car, I noticed the roll of carpet in the corner kinda wobble. I walked over to see what was going on and there he was, and there I went. Fastest 180 in the west. I opened the door and waited a while. When I went back out I didn't see him so I got in the car and left. I gave my beloved a call to let her know not to park in the garage and proceeded with my day. When I got back my love told me that the dogs had been guarding a corner of the garage. Peeking under some Jeep seats I saw it, quite content and very unreachable to the dogs. SO only thing to do, build a fire in the garage. (it was a very calm day and there's no wind in the garage anyway). For all those who are scrolling up to see what I called the neighbor who decided he wanted to play with fire too, I would like for you to keep one very important thing in mind; if I were to accidentally burn the house down, it would've happened by now.
ANYWAY I'm getting tired of typing and it's getting late so I think I'm gonna finish this tomorrow.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
There once was a teacher that told her class that it was impossible for a human to be swallowed by a whale. That although it's mouth was huge; it's throat was to small for a human to fit through.
A small child spoke up and answered that Jonah had indeed been swallowed by a whale.
The teacher sharply replied to the child that she was wrong and it was scientifically impossible.
The child again answered "Well then when I get to heaven, I'll ask Jonah what really happened."
The Teacher harshly replied "What if he goes to hell?"
With out missing a beat the child said "Then you can ask him."
A small child spoke up and answered that Jonah had indeed been swallowed by a whale.
The teacher sharply replied to the child that she was wrong and it was scientifically impossible.
The child again answered "Well then when I get to heaven, I'll ask Jonah what really happened."
The Teacher harshly replied "What if he goes to hell?"
With out missing a beat the child said "Then you can ask him."
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Of aldermans and elderberries
Do you think that the aldermen are crooked? Ed mostly smoked and told stories of other men hehad taken out. Suffice it to say that the whole thing is not only certain, but itis GUARANTEED. And with it, as his own share, a broad and kindly humanindifference that never means to offend. They often are crooked enough, I admitted, in fact, very often apack of bums. Thefood up here is always such a question. I realize that my friendstroubles always take the form of an angular imprisonment. We drove in our own carall down the valley of that big river. Take it, Ed, says he, I wont be wearing it. We were seated side by side in chairs in the hotel rotunda. It was called The Triumphal Progress of Science. Im afraid, I said, that I dont know anything about it. Richardson also got rid of his landing net onthe trip. The Pullman Man opened up a newspaper and lit a cigar. Then he lit his pipe, quietly and firmly, to lend emphasis to whathe was going to say. I see, he said, where thisguy Mussolini is getting busy again. It was really quite a triumph for my husband making the coursehere. In fact, we were quite a cosmopolitan crowd. And did you get on all right with the Germans? I done it for him, answered Ed, just the way I landed yours. ButI beg your pardon, he added, Im interrupting you. Well, I dont know, said the man who spoke just before. ButI beg your pardon, he added, Im interrupting you. So we have never botheredto think about amusements. By some incurableoptimism, he really thinks so. How do you think things will begin to shape for the election? I thought, he continued, that Id trace it down from early timesand show the way it has come on. How did that last Atlantic flight suit you? We spent thus a pleasant half hour in discourse together. How do you think things will begin to shape for the election? I said, and the people are sointeresting. But no doubt the Man with the Adventure Story is still telling itsomewhere, somehow, to somebody. I spent most of my time in carrying the canoe, lighting fires, andwashing dishes. I hope youre going to make some use ofit. They got me stung to speak at thiscursed banquet to-night on Our Country. He would never stop me in the rain, or the sleet.
Suffice it to say that what has been sufficent has sufficed.
Suffice it to say that what has been sufficent has sufficed.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Mr Green, the lead pipe, in the ballroom.
I have not given up on you and I hope that you have not given up on me. The reason that I have not had time to ramble on is that is has been a long time since I have had to wait for beloved. She left her job in KC cause the drive was getting to her and the lack of time we had together was wearing on us. She actually found a job doing hospice care here in bourbon county. So we are really excited to get our evenings back. We have had almost a month now where she has been between jobs and home in the evenings which we have filled with aggressive games of clue. I haven't been able to prove it yet and she denies it, but I KNOW she cheats.
Anyway my point here is pretty much no more waiting for beloved SO we're gonna have to think of something else to call this. Preferably something to do with my beloved but not something that will motivate her to fix creamed spinach every night til I change it. Side note: to those of you that are wondering whats wrong with that; there is something wrong with you.
News bulletin (at least for me) my little brother has now joined the work force and is hitting 40 hours a week this summer. Kudos. Also I'm wiping away a tear of joy and pride as I announce that my little sister got up on a wakeboard last week. Yeah Liv you rock.
Not a whole lot else is new around here.
I bout made Janelle freak when I balanced in one of the trees last weekend with the chainsaw. There were some limbs kinda high and off of the main trunk that "needed" cut. As she saw me cutting she had decided that trimming some of the dead limbs off wasn't as important as she thought. It got me thinking what other household activities that I could use the chainsaw for that I could get out of. Like taking out the trash. If something doesn't all fit in the burn barrel.........er I mean... um... RECYCLING BARREL... then I could trim off the edges right?
Closing thought:
Did you know that if you were a migratory bird you would have to almost double your weight before you left? Yeah, whoa! Something to think about.
Anyway my point here is pretty much no more waiting for beloved SO we're gonna have to think of something else to call this. Preferably something to do with my beloved but not something that will motivate her to fix creamed spinach every night til I change it. Side note: to those of you that are wondering whats wrong with that; there is something wrong with you.
News bulletin (at least for me) my little brother has now joined the work force and is hitting 40 hours a week this summer. Kudos. Also I'm wiping away a tear of joy and pride as I announce that my little sister got up on a wakeboard last week. Yeah Liv you rock.
Not a whole lot else is new around here.
I bout made Janelle freak when I balanced in one of the trees last weekend with the chainsaw. There were some limbs kinda high and off of the main trunk that "needed" cut. As she saw me cutting she had decided that trimming some of the dead limbs off wasn't as important as she thought. It got me thinking what other household activities that I could use the chainsaw for that I could get out of. Like taking out the trash. If something doesn't all fit in the burn barrel.........er I mean... um... RECYCLING BARREL... then I could trim off the edges right?
Closing thought:
Did you know that if you were a migratory bird you would have to almost double your weight before you left? Yeah, whoa! Something to think about.
Monday, July 10, 2006
I was talkin to a friend of mine and he was like "yeah even though yer like a thousand miles away, it's good to keep up with you through your blog..... OH WAIT, NEVERMIND." and I was like "oh yeah I got one of those".
So what's new here? Let's see :
I found that in order to give the puppies a bath, one needs really good reflexes.
A deer that lived close by had an unhealthy crush on the car. I guess the car wasn't ready for a relationship and that whole situation ended up kinda bad. Did you know that a 150 pound deer carcass will disappear in the Kansas wild country in two days?
One cup of bleach and a gallon of water will cure just about anything that's growin on the house.
One cup of dish soap and 1/4 cup of glycerine and 12 cups of water make one heck of a bubble.
and last of all, I had my first family members from Illinois come out to visit since me and my beloved got married. Ed and Bonnie, we had a blast. We hope you guys come out again soon.
So what's new here? Let's see :
I found that in order to give the puppies a bath, one needs really good reflexes.
A deer that lived close by had an unhealthy crush on the car. I guess the car wasn't ready for a relationship and that whole situation ended up kinda bad. Did you know that a 150 pound deer carcass will disappear in the Kansas wild country in two days?
One cup of bleach and a gallon of water will cure just about anything that's growin on the house.
One cup of dish soap and 1/4 cup of glycerine and 12 cups of water make one heck of a bubble.
and last of all, I had my first family members from Illinois come out to visit since me and my beloved got married. Ed and Bonnie, we had a blast. We hope you guys come out again soon.
Friday, May 19, 2006
We leave tomorrow morning
But until then I stay here, bored and waiting for beloved to get home.
I got bored today. So I invited a friend over. Actually I didn't invite him, I found him. So I picked him up and brought him inside to play!
Meet Toby. He's my new friend.

We had lunch together.

But he kinda turned up his nose at it....

so then I pretended to put him in the Garbage disposal.

I'm not sure if he thought it was funny, but I thought it was.
The I turned on the oven and started to sing "home, home on the range"

Again as I heard no laughter, and as he sunk deeper into his shell, I seriously doubted it this turtle had any sense of humor.
This is what toby looks right side up.

This is what he looks like upside down.

I hear that if you moisten the underside of a turtle, they act like a natural suction cup. But as the oven and the garbage disposal didn't go over all that great, I decied it was best not to try.
Sensing that my guest was bored I offered a game of tri-ominos. Word to the wise- NEVER ask a turtle to play a game of tri-ominos.
HE beat the tar outta me AND drank my last dr pepper.

After winning he got his choice of movie to watch. His favorite movie was "master of disguise" I think we watched the turtle club part over and over a million times.

After the movie I showed him my blog. Yeah he said I was cool.

We were watching for wildlife on the back thirty five acres.....(I think he was scoping for turtle hotties)

when he asked me if we could go for a jeep ride, I said that it would be fine.

In the end I think we had a great day.
I got bored today. So I invited a friend over. Actually I didn't invite him, I found him. So I picked him up and brought him inside to play!
Meet Toby. He's my new friend.

We had lunch together.

But he kinda turned up his nose at it....

so then I pretended to put him in the Garbage disposal.

I'm not sure if he thought it was funny, but I thought it was.
The I turned on the oven and started to sing "home, home on the range"

Again as I heard no laughter, and as he sunk deeper into his shell, I seriously doubted it this turtle had any sense of humor.
This is what toby looks right side up.

This is what he looks like upside down.

I hear that if you moisten the underside of a turtle, they act like a natural suction cup. But as the oven and the garbage disposal didn't go over all that great, I decied it was best not to try.
Sensing that my guest was bored I offered a game of tri-ominos. Word to the wise- NEVER ask a turtle to play a game of tri-ominos.
HE beat the tar outta me AND drank my last dr pepper.

After winning he got his choice of movie to watch. His favorite movie was "master of disguise" I think we watched the turtle club part over and over a million times.

After the movie I showed him my blog. Yeah he said I was cool.

We were watching for wildlife on the back thirty five acres.....(I think he was scoping for turtle hotties)

when he asked me if we could go for a jeep ride, I said that it would be fine.

In the end I think we had a great day.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Luke demands
therefore I post.
So I'm posting.
This is me posting.
I post.
seriously I've got nuthin.
I wasn't gonna post til I had something to post about.
After the massive rains there's been water on the front yard for so long that there's moss growing in parts of it now.
I shot a spider yesterday. It rivaled the one I saw and killed at sekan when I first moved here.
I think we lost three pine trees in the brush fire we started. Yeah, it was worth it.
The dogs haven't taken to expanding their vocabulary very well. They kinda got stuck on "bark". Although their pronounciation is improving greatly.
I think I'm gonna go play with the chainsaw this afternoon. I think I'd be a good lumberjack, I got tons of flannel shirts and wool socks.
Janelles working today so I might go over to thayers house and play with his new xbox 360. At least until supper, then I'm gonna come home and eat chocolate cake.
Yesterday I had chocolate cake for breakfast, and then I had chocolate cake for lunch, and then I had chocolate cake for supper. Yeah, Janelle was working yesterday too. The cake was the only consolation I had.
The puppies wouldn't go to bed last night, they got way to hyper. (no idea where they get it from). So I went outside and swatted them both and chucked them into their box. I held them down til they quit struggling and then I rubbed their tummies (yeah I just said tummies, wanna make something of it?) til they calmed down. If they tried playing I just swatted them in the head.
It worked pretty good.
I bet that works with kids to.
Someone try that one out and tell me how it goes.
Someone also needs to tell Dennis Rocke hi.
and Tim Hohulin.
and like everybody in Roanoke.
hi guys.
Huge hihowareya goin out to mike and deb in colorado. Hey I thought of you when I used the wench the other day. I high centered the jeep on some rocks messing around on the property. There was a select few wedding presents that I claimed and told janelle that I loved her with all my heart but she would have to go get her own. That was one of them. I told her she could have almost everything else.
Thats all I have.
I'm go gonna get some cake.
So I'm posting.
This is me posting.
I post.
seriously I've got nuthin.
I wasn't gonna post til I had something to post about.
After the massive rains there's been water on the front yard for so long that there's moss growing in parts of it now.
I shot a spider yesterday. It rivaled the one I saw and killed at sekan when I first moved here.
I think we lost three pine trees in the brush fire we started. Yeah, it was worth it.
The dogs haven't taken to expanding their vocabulary very well. They kinda got stuck on "bark". Although their pronounciation is improving greatly.
I think I'm gonna go play with the chainsaw this afternoon. I think I'd be a good lumberjack, I got tons of flannel shirts and wool socks.
Janelles working today so I might go over to thayers house and play with his new xbox 360. At least until supper, then I'm gonna come home and eat chocolate cake.
Yesterday I had chocolate cake for breakfast, and then I had chocolate cake for lunch, and then I had chocolate cake for supper. Yeah, Janelle was working yesterday too. The cake was the only consolation I had.
The puppies wouldn't go to bed last night, they got way to hyper. (no idea where they get it from). So I went outside and swatted them both and chucked them into their box. I held them down til they quit struggling and then I rubbed their tummies (yeah I just said tummies, wanna make something of it?) til they calmed down. If they tried playing I just swatted them in the head.
It worked pretty good.
I bet that works with kids to.
Someone try that one out and tell me how it goes.
Someone also needs to tell Dennis Rocke hi.
and Tim Hohulin.
and like everybody in Roanoke.
hi guys.
Huge hihowareya goin out to mike and deb in colorado. Hey I thought of you when I used the wench the other day. I high centered the jeep on some rocks messing around on the property. There was a select few wedding presents that I claimed and told janelle that I loved her with all my heart but she would have to go get her own. That was one of them. I told her she could have almost everything else.
Thats all I have.
I'm go gonna get some cake.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The truth as I remember it
Well, ask yourselves this, is it more fun to mow a lawn, or to burn stuff? If someone said mow lawns, then i pity you and you need to come over to my house when the wife isn't home and we'll play with matches together.
Of course to all other REGULAR people out there like me with the "pyros" label that society so unfortunate slapped us with; (just cause we think fire is cool doesn't mean that we want to set the world on fire..... kinda ) would say different.
Question: try and bushwack an over grown area or burn it.
Yeah that's a hard one.
Actually with the help of my father in law and my wife's two brothers we kept it pretty much under control almost the entire time. We might of lost a pine tree but I think it might pull through. Anyhoo....
But today is a different story, we are finishing up a week solid of rain and now instead of a yard
we have a lake.
Yesterday was one of the nastier storms that we have had. Some of the hail even knocked a hole in our gutters.
Right now I hear thunder. I don't think the storms are done yet. It's all good though, we are seriously behind on rain.
Of course to all other REGULAR people out there like me with the "pyros" label that society so unfortunate slapped us with; (just cause we think fire is cool doesn't mean that we want to set the world on fire..... kinda ) would say different.
Question: try and bushwack an over grown area or burn it.
Yeah that's a hard one.
Actually with the help of my father in law and my wife's two brothers we kept it pretty much under control almost the entire time. We might of lost a pine tree but I think it might pull through. Anyhoo....
But today is a different story, we are finishing up a week solid of rain and now instead of a yard
we have a lake.
Yesterday was one of the nastier storms that we have had. Some of the hail even knocked a hole in our gutters.
Right now I hear thunder. I don't think the storms are done yet. It's all good though, we are seriously behind on rain.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
awake... kinda
It's been a bit since my last five in the morning post being up at 4:30 makes me question the sanity of people who do this by choice instead of by necessity. Especially old people, why when I was your age, i had to go wake the rooster up so he could crow! Then after that, we when out and killed our breakfast. Do you youngens some good to kill your breakfast now and again.. BUILDS CHARACTER!! why.......um.... i........uh...zzzzzzzzzzz.
any who it's been a couple weeks since my last post and we got some catching up to do....
First off before I show the first picture I need the public to know that this wasn't my fault. But at the same time EXTREAMLY cool to see the front lawn engulfed in flames. I'm too tired to go into detail. Maybe later.



AND OF COURSE there is the puppies at two months and 24 days old.

almost getting to big to hold... almost.
again that's lucy on the left at 15lbs and charlie on the right at 17lbs.
both are sleeping right now and so should I be.
I'm going back to bed.
any who it's been a couple weeks since my last post and we got some catching up to do....
First off before I show the first picture I need the public to know that this wasn't my fault. But at the same time EXTREAMLY cool to see the front lawn engulfed in flames. I'm too tired to go into detail. Maybe later.



AND OF COURSE there is the puppies at two months and 24 days old.

almost getting to big to hold... almost.
again that's lucy on the left at 15lbs and charlie on the right at 17lbs.
both are sleeping right now and so should I be.
I'm going back to bed.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
new arrivals
Meet Charlie and Lucy
This is lucy at seven weeks old weighing in at 8 pounds


and this is charlie at seven weeks and weighing in at 10 pounds.


A brother and sister that have never been apart from each other.
Some of my favorite moments of my days are now spent on the back porch with two puppies who have had a big day.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
possum on the porch
thars a possum on the porch again
I think he wunts ta be ma friend
if only I could speak like he
I'd ask which way he liked ta be
grilled or skewered
but if'n id be thinkin fast
he just might notta gotten past
the light from the back porch dim
a shot i didn't even get at him
fer the gun was in the den
and time I got it aimed at hem
he'sa gone
maybe id wuz fer the better
fer if'n I did pull that tragger
there'd be a big hole thet the 12 gauge leave
and not much meat fer me to heave
on the grill
to 'et my fill
of that possum
truth be told that pity had not stayed the hand of my vengeance of the vermin, but the lack of a shell to load the aforementioned gun that would properly do the trick without "blowing up" the foul pest. For a two and three quarter shell was in reach but twas a high brass turkey load. Far too much concentrated power for as much as was needed to do the job properly and instead a low brass was preferred so off to the garage I went and loaded my gun but by the time the stock was rested to my shoulder and my eye to the sight, he had disappeared into the brush.
Next time my ugly little friend,
next time.
I think he wunts ta be ma friend
if only I could speak like he
I'd ask which way he liked ta be
grilled or skewered
but if'n id be thinkin fast
he just might notta gotten past
the light from the back porch dim
a shot i didn't even get at him
fer the gun was in the den
and time I got it aimed at hem
he'sa gone
maybe id wuz fer the better
fer if'n I did pull that tragger
there'd be a big hole thet the 12 gauge leave
and not much meat fer me to heave
on the grill
to 'et my fill
of that possum
truth be told that pity had not stayed the hand of my vengeance of the vermin, but the lack of a shell to load the aforementioned gun that would properly do the trick without "blowing up" the foul pest. For a two and three quarter shell was in reach but twas a high brass turkey load. Far too much concentrated power for as much as was needed to do the job properly and instead a low brass was preferred so off to the garage I went and loaded my gun but by the time the stock was rested to my shoulder and my eye to the sight, he had disappeared into the brush.
Next time my ugly little friend,
next time.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Because I'm in a mood
Things that annoy me
people who say one thing and do another.
dogs who only bark after 2 in the morning
neighbors dogs who believe that everything in and on my property is INSIDE their territory and should be marked accordingly
people who flick cigarettes out the window that start LOTS of rather large prairie fires that cause burn bans
being outta dr pepper
redundancy, redundancy, and redundancy
giddy people at unearthly times in the morning
losing my wallet 5 times a stinkin day
going into the house with my keys in hand while looking for my wallet and upon finding my wallet, realizing that somewhere along the line I put my keys down and now I have to look for that
county road workers in general
specifically their desire to mutilate any living thing within 5 yards of the road regardless of who's property it is and what it's making the trees look like. If there were clean cuts on them I wouldn't mind them cutting my trees back, but when it looks like they were swinging a heavy chain to see what kind of damage would happen they can take the splintered remains and shove them in their exhaust pipes.
walmart greeters who wont greet me
people who complain alot.
I'll think of more later
people who say one thing and do another.
dogs who only bark after 2 in the morning
neighbors dogs who believe that everything in and on my property is INSIDE their territory and should be marked accordingly
people who flick cigarettes out the window that start LOTS of rather large prairie fires that cause burn bans
being outta dr pepper
redundancy, redundancy, and redundancy
giddy people at unearthly times in the morning
losing my wallet 5 times a stinkin day
going into the house with my keys in hand while looking for my wallet and upon finding my wallet, realizing that somewhere along the line I put my keys down and now I have to look for that
county road workers in general
specifically their desire to mutilate any living thing within 5 yards of the road regardless of who's property it is and what it's making the trees look like. If there were clean cuts on them I wouldn't mind them cutting my trees back, but when it looks like they were swinging a heavy chain to see what kind of damage would happen they can take the splintered remains and shove them in their exhaust pipes.
walmart greeters who wont greet me
people who complain alot.
I'll think of more later

Monday, March 06, 2006
Brad... thank you.
Reasons why the English language is so hard to learn:
1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture.
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18) After a number of injections my jaw got number.
19) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
20) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
Quicksand works slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. And why is it that writers write, but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese?
If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? Is it an odd, or an end?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship?
Have noses that run and feet that smell?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out,
they are invisible.
P.S. - Why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick"?
1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture.
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18) After a number of injections my jaw got number.
19) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
20) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
Quicksand works slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. And why is it that writers write, but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese?
If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? Is it an odd, or an end?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship?
Have noses that run and feet that smell?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out,
they are invisible.
P.S. - Why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick"?
Thursday, March 02, 2006
My dad sent this to me
Most of the time this blog has been used for an outlet of steam, a place to goof off or share or even just to let my imagination go for a little bit. But today I read this mail from my dad. As I read it, it made me want to post it.
so I did.
read every word.
Things that make you think a little:
There were 39 combat related killings in Iraq in January.
In the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in the
month of January. That's just one American city,
about as deadly as the entire war-torn country of Iraq.
When some claim that President Bush shouldn't
have started this war, state the following:
a. FDR led us into World War II.
b. Germany never attacked us; Japan did.
From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost ..
an average of 112,500 per year.
c. Truman finished that war and started one in Korea.
North Korea never attacked us...
From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost ..
an average of 18,334 per year.
d John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962.
Vietnam never attacked us.
e. Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire.
From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost .
an average of 5,800 per year.
f. Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent.
Bosnia never attacked us.
He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three
times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on
multiple occasions.
g. In the years since terrorists attacked us , President Bush
has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled
al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Libya, Iran, and, North
Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who
slaughtered 300,000 of his own people.
The Democrats are complaining
about how long the war is taking.
It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet Reno
to take the Branch Davidian compound.
That was a 51-day operation..
We've been looking for evidence for chemical weapons
in Iraq for less time than it took Hillary Clinton to find
the Rose Law Firm billing records.
It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the
Marines to destroy the Medina Republican Guard
than it took Ted Kennedy to call the police after his
Oldsmobile sank at Chappaquiddick.
It took less time to take Iraq than it took
to count the votes in Florida!!!!
Our Commander-In-Chief is doing a GREAT JOB!
The Military morale is high!
The biased media hopes we are too ignorant
to realize the facts
Some people still don't understand why military personnel
do what they do for a living. This exchange between
Senators John Glenn and Senator Howard Metzenbaum
is worth reading. Not only is it a pretty impressive
impromptu speech, but it's also a good example of one
man's explanation of why men and women in the armed
services do what they do for a living.
This IS a typical, though sad, example of what
some who have never served think of the military.
Senator Metzenbaum (speaking to Senator Glenn):
"How can you run for Senate
when you've never held a real job?"
Senator Glenn (D-Ohio):
"I served 23 years in the United States Marine Corps.
I served through two wars. I flew 149 missions.
My plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire on 12 different
occasions. I was in the space program. It wasn't my
checkbook, Howard; it was my life on the line. It was
not a nine-to-five job, where I took time off to take the
daily cash receipts to the bank."
"I ask you to go with me ... as I went the other day...
to a veteran's hospital and look those men ..
with their mangled bodies . in the eye, and tell THEM
they didn't hold a job!
You go with me to the Space Program at NASA
and go, as I have gone, to the widows and Orphans
of Ed White, Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee...
and you look those kids in the eye and tell them
that their DADS didn't hold a job.
You go with me on Memorial Day and you stand in
Arlington National Cemetery, where I have more friends
buried than I'd like to remember, and you watch
those waving flags.
You stand there, and you think about this nation,
and you tell ME that those people didn't have a job?
What about you?"
For those who don't remember .
During W.W.II, Howard Metzenbaum was an attorney
representing the Communist Party in the USA.
Now he's a Senator!
If you can read this, thank a teacher.
If you are reading it in English thank a Veteran.
so I did.
read every word.
Things that make you think a little:
There were 39 combat related killings in Iraq in January.
In the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in the
month of January. That's just one American city,
about as deadly as the entire war-torn country of Iraq.
When some claim that President Bush shouldn't
have started this war, state the following:
a. FDR led us into World War II.
b. Germany never attacked us; Japan did.
From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost ..
an average of 112,500 per year.
c. Truman finished that war and started one in Korea.
North Korea never attacked us...
From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost ..
an average of 18,334 per year.
d John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962.
Vietnam never attacked us.
e. Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire.
From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost .
an average of 5,800 per year.
f. Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent.
Bosnia never attacked us.
He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three
times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on
multiple occasions.
g. In the years since terrorists attacked us , President Bush
has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled
al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Libya, Iran, and, North
Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who
slaughtered 300,000 of his own people.
The Democrats are complaining
about how long the war is taking.
It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet Reno
to take the Branch Davidian compound.
That was a 51-day operation..
We've been looking for evidence for chemical weapons
in Iraq for less time than it took Hillary Clinton to find
the Rose Law Firm billing records.
It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the
Marines to destroy the Medina Republican Guard
than it took Ted Kennedy to call the police after his
Oldsmobile sank at Chappaquiddick.
It took less time to take Iraq than it took
to count the votes in Florida!!!!
Our Commander-In-Chief is doing a GREAT JOB!
The Military morale is high!
The biased media hopes we are too ignorant
to realize the facts
Some people still don't understand why military personnel
do what they do for a living. This exchange between
Senators John Glenn and Senator Howard Metzenbaum
is worth reading. Not only is it a pretty impressive
impromptu speech, but it's also a good example of one
man's explanation of why men and women in the armed
services do what they do for a living.
This IS a typical, though sad, example of what
some who have never served think of the military.
Senator Metzenbaum (speaking to Senator Glenn):
"How can you run for Senate
when you've never held a real job?"
Senator Glenn (D-Ohio):
"I served 23 years in the United States Marine Corps.
I served through two wars. I flew 149 missions.
My plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire on 12 different
occasions. I was in the space program. It wasn't my
checkbook, Howard; it was my life on the line. It was
not a nine-to-five job, where I took time off to take the
daily cash receipts to the bank."
"I ask you to go with me ... as I went the other day...
to a veteran's hospital and look those men ..
with their mangled bodies . in the eye, and tell THEM
they didn't hold a job!
You go with me to the Space Program at NASA
and go, as I have gone, to the widows and Orphans
of Ed White, Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee...
and you look those kids in the eye and tell them
that their DADS didn't hold a job.
You go with me on Memorial Day and you stand in
Arlington National Cemetery, where I have more friends
buried than I'd like to remember, and you watch
those waving flags.
You stand there, and you think about this nation,
and you tell ME that those people didn't have a job?
What about you?"
For those who don't remember .
During W.W.II, Howard Metzenbaum was an attorney
representing the Communist Party in the USA.
Now he's a Senator!
If you can read this, thank a teacher.
If you are reading it in English thank a Veteran.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Once again.. Insanity rules
It's been a while but once again, I am waiting for beloved.... and doing a real poor job of keeping my sanity in the process.
Did you know the ends of a 12x50 bushnell binocluar screw off?
Did you know the ends of a 12x50 bushnell binocluar screw off?

Monday, February 13, 2006
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Fire night

Thanks to Jerry and Maria Bahr for the fire kettle. Awesome wedding present!
Once again I held my annual Fire night. (i.e. burn the trash night, but dont tell alan) The sky was so clear and the colors that the fire was making on the ground were so neat I had to get some pictures to try out the new nikon we just got.



Monday, January 23, 2006
Makin Jeep trails
and memoies.
Conversatoin overheard in the Jeep while making trails on the property:
Janelle: Hey something smells really good out here...
Chris: what is it?
Janelle: I think it was that tree you just ran over.
Chris: oh...
Life is so good.
Conversatoin overheard in the Jeep while making trails on the property:
Janelle: Hey something smells really good out here...
Chris: what is it?
Janelle: I think it was that tree you just ran over.
Chris: oh...
Life is so good.

After some REAL researching I have found the REALLY REAL answer to all my questions.
The Slogan was actually a smear campagine on the part of pepsi. A very intricate plan to quash the far superior Dr Pepper. The One Nation slogan was pass through a panel of people who found it quite disturbing that Pepsi would do such a thing. So they started the internet rumor saying they did it while fabricating the Dr Pepper site that Miss Heiniger so CONVIENTLY found. So people would think bad of pepsi just long enough to have their conscience pricked when finding out the so called "truth".
but alas I will not fall into such a well layed out trap. NO not I. for in digging I have fourd the preliminary cans of the pepsi smear campagine. This was found to be not so believeable so they switched to the current lie of "One Nation..." theme.
here it is.

sounds just like a lot of people I know....
The Slogan was actually a smear campagine on the part of pepsi. A very intricate plan to quash the far superior Dr Pepper. The One Nation slogan was pass through a panel of people who found it quite disturbing that Pepsi would do such a thing. So they started the internet rumor saying they did it while fabricating the Dr Pepper site that Miss Heiniger so CONVIENTLY found. So people would think bad of pepsi just long enough to have their conscience pricked when finding out the so called "truth".
but alas I will not fall into such a well layed out trap. NO not I. for in digging I have fourd the preliminary cans of the pepsi smear campagine. This was found to be not so believeable so they switched to the current lie of "One Nation..." theme.
here it is.

sounds just like a lot of people I know....
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I bet Dr Pepper wouldn't do this...
I just got this on e-mail... Interesting.
I don't gotta worry bout this one cause I am ever faithful to the pepper.
Don't buy Pepsi in the new can. Pepsi has a new "patriotic" can
coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building, and the
Pledge of Allegiance on them. However, Pepsi left out two little
words on the pledge, "Under God." Pepsi said they didn't want
to offend anyone.
In that case, we don't want to offend anyone at the
Pepsi corporate office, either.. So if we don't buy
any Pepsi product, they will not be offended when
they don't receive our money that has the words
"In God We Trust" on it.
So fellow believers... Time to make a switch?
Make it Dr Pepper.
I don't gotta worry bout this one cause I am ever faithful to the pepper.
Don't buy Pepsi in the new can. Pepsi has a new "patriotic" can
coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building, and the
Pledge of Allegiance on them. However, Pepsi left out two little
words on the pledge, "Under God." Pepsi said they didn't want
to offend anyone.
In that case, we don't want to offend anyone at the
Pepsi corporate office, either.. So if we don't buy
any Pepsi product, they will not be offended when
they don't receive our money that has the words
"In God We Trust" on it.
So fellow believers... Time to make a switch?
Make it Dr Pepper.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Five Ton Fly Wheel
Stuff said about the new job: It's kinda like how you eat an elephant (or an elephino): one bite at a time.
Well yesterday made me think of the play "The Death of a Salesman" and I pretty sure the fly wheel moved backwards and the elephant took a bite out of me. Mom never said ANYTHING about days like these .
BUT TODAY I felt like I coulda been selling air and people would of hunted me down to get some. Crazyness.
Anyhoo. I like my new Job, I like my suit and tie. AND GET THIS.....
(are you ready?)
yeah I know, wild.
Well yesterday made me think of the play "The Death of a Salesman" and I pretty sure the fly wheel moved backwards and the elephant took a bite out of me. Mom never said ANYTHING about days like these .
BUT TODAY I felt like I coulda been selling air and people would of hunted me down to get some. Crazyness.
Anyhoo. I like my new Job, I like my suit and tie. AND GET THIS.....
(are you ready?)
yeah I know, wild.
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