Sunday, October 01, 2006


Hi, how are ya? It's been a bit since we have talked. Sorry about that. My bad. All sorts of stuff to talk about but never the time. Even if I had the time I have had very little motivation. But now I have both!

what to talk about..

I just had a very memorable weekend in Sabetha Kansas. I found that reading some Dr. Suess books as fast as you can can be a very rewarding experience. Just so you know I AM Mr. Pick-up-sticks and the grand champion of hide-and-seek. I did get my rear end handed to me in the memory game, but those 4 year old girls are ruthless. I have recently come to find out that that there was some cheating as certain marks and creases on the backs of certain cards were memorized well before hand. But all's well that ends well.

In other news there was another fire nearby but as things would be I didn't start it. A neighbor a mile or so west (who isn't the brightest bulb on the block) decided that a gusty day and on one of the driest months out of the year thought it would be a grand idea if he would try a controlled burn. Yeah that didn't quite work out like he planned.... Imagine that. The burn, powered by pretty good winds, took three fields. As I was getting home from work I pulled into my drive to see a red pickup leaving my backyard and entering the driveway at a fairly high rate of speed. I blocked the driveway to stop him and ask him what he thought he was doing, but it was a fireman in an unmarked truck that said the blaze hadn't came though the trees yet.

The first thought was "oh..... I guess that's good."

Second thought was "WHAT BLAZE?"

All said and done I am proud of our volunteer rural fire department. No houses damaged although the ones closest got within a couple feet. The wind was going just right that it flared up again behind our house. Again I am very thankful for a great rural fire department.

What else?

New Scores are out:

We wake up the other day to a series of very urgent barks and a yelp. I wasn't left to wonder what happened for very long when I went to the garage and smelled our very unwelcome visitor. I mistakenly later told Janelle that we HAD (past tense) a skunk because I smelled him in the garage and on the dogs. After she left and I was going to my car, I noticed the roll of carpet in the corner kinda wobble. I walked over to see what was going on and there he was, and there I went. Fastest 180 in the west. I opened the door and waited a while. When I went back out I didn't see him so I got in the car and left. I gave my beloved a call to let her know not to park in the garage and proceeded with my day. When I got back my love told me that the dogs had been guarding a corner of the garage. Peeking under some Jeep seats I saw it, quite content and very unreachable to the dogs. SO only thing to do, build a fire in the garage. (it was a very calm day and there's no wind in the garage anyway). For all those who are scrolling up to see what I called the neighbor who decided he wanted to play with fire too, I would like for you to keep one very important thing in mind; if I were to accidentally burn the house down, it would've happened by now.

ANYWAY I'm getting tired of typing and it's getting late so I think I'm gonna finish this tomorrow.


Luke said...

You're the only person I've ever know...EVER...who has built a fire in their garage.

Luke said...

oh, and plus, I got a call from you Friday, and it was cool.

Sorry I had to cut it short...but yeah, I didn't want to kill people.

Luke said...

and didn't finish tomorrow.

Tifani said...

Guess what?!?! I'm back to reading your blog full time! I finally found it! woohoo

M said...

Um...hi, friend.

Life is good.

That's all.



Chris said...

m my friend my friend my m.....
er.. arrons m


did you know that if you google your name under the image search that you face is the first to pop up? Largely in part to the thanks of ck.

friend, I'm so gonna give you a call and catch up.