Friday, November 03, 2006

I am freezing

And I don't wanna hear any "you think THAT"S cold, well blah blah..."

Whatever, I'm freezing. But the furnace is staying OFF. Beloved wouldn't let me turn the AC on in September when I was so hot I had to stand in front of the refrigerator to cool down, so she can wait till December. The only backfire to this is that her ice cold nose has been finding it's way to the back of my neck, making me jump outta my skin. NOT cool.


Beloved was reading my blog and noticed that all I talk about anymore is boring stuff like the puppies (with the exception of the turtle incident which she wasn't all excited about). I happen to think that the puppies are far from boring and make for wonderful conversation.... but as I read what I type I realize that I'm not all that far from someone who would personify a pet to excess. EX: I was over at a friends house the other day and their dog went ape. My friends dad grabbed the animal, picked it up and said "oh that's sucha bad puppy! YES YOU ARE!! Now you apologize, come on say your sorry! Say your sorry! come on!"

I half expected for the dog to look at me any say "Look dude, my bad. I didn't recognize you and honestly you do somewhat smell like bacon".

My dogs go ape, they get smacked. nuff said.

SO the idea that this session was NOT going to be about my dogs, I'll pull a subject change and talk about something else.

let's see...

I have a shoe horn.

I think it's from the Shoe Carnival... because is says Shoe Carnival on it.

That would be a good clue.

I only bring this up not because I use it often, but because it's right here on the computer desk and I'm looking at it. It's here because that's where I put it after I frantically searched for it and couldn't find it; so now I know where it is next time i need it. What did I need it for? This week I killed my fourth scorpion with it. Well the first one was outside and that one was killed with a rock. Two others have come up through drains and have been shoe horned. The one this week was polite enough to use the front door. It's still got shoe horned. I like the shoe horn approach because WHO DOES THAT??? Also because a massive case of aftermath heebeegeebees can be averted that way and......

Ok speaking of heebeegeebees, a slight case is setting in right now so I'm gonna change the subject.

or just quit here and think happy thoughts....

yeah I think I'll do that.

1 comment:

Tifani said...

Scorpions?? In