Tuesday, November 21, 2006

think outside of the (mail)box

For the sixth time now, others have decided that we really didn't have a use for a mailbox. However hard we beg to differ, the result is still the same: a crushed box, a broken post, and a disgruntled father-in-law who has to come over and dig a new post hole or try to salvage the old one.

I called the post office to declare my misfortune and ask for possible solutions. One of the biggest problems that we faced is that the driver would be heading west on the road I live on. That means the mailbox would have to be on the north side of the road. We live on the south. The box is on property that I'm not sure that I have the right to modify and even if I could, the ditch is too deep and steep to do anything.

After listening to many that I couldn't do, (i.e. build the ditch bigger and offset the box from the road) I offered one. It was simply to put the box inside the drive closer to the house and farther from danger. This was disregarded almost immediately because of regulations. Unless there is a doctors order that health was in danger there would be no house delivery. I explained that it wouldn't be house delivery and that the driver would not have to reverse out of the driveway because of the circle drive. Still regulations state that only if a doctor certified heath risk was involved would a driver be obligated to pull into a driveway at all.

SO the only way outta this is gleamingly clear.

Dig yet another hole, erect a post, set a box to the top, and then Duct Tape a possum to the mailbox.

CLEARLY there would be a health risk to the opossum the next time the box gets creamed, any doctor can see that. In addition anyone delivering and receiving mail would scare it enough that the animal would "play dead" and no harm would delivered and or received by the creature.

Anyway you look at it, it's almost a win-win situation for everyone.... except the possum.

Then with the health risk of the poor little rat-like, stinky, ugly, make your dogs bark at two in the morning til their throats are raw type creature, OF COURSE the post office will let me build a box inside the driveway. And if they don't, well that will be a sight to see the next time the box gets bashed


Luke said...

How do you even think of crap like this...?

I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Oh to spend just 15 minutes in the mind of a quistofur...

ajp said...

Wow...I just stumbeled onto your blog, now whenenver I need Chris randomness I know where to go.

Anonymous said...

After the second time our mail box got ran into (once by the mail deliverer), my dad decided to dig a whole, pour concrete, place the mailbox, pour more concrete, cover the concrete with dirt ....

Funny, the mailbox never fell over after that.