Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Of aldermans and elderberries

Do you think that the aldermen are crooked? Ed mostly smoked and told stories of other men hehad taken out. Suffice it to say that the whole thing is not only certain, but itis GUARANTEED. And with it, as his own share, a broad and kindly humanindifference that never means to offend. They often are crooked enough, I admitted, in fact, very often apack of bums. Thefood up here is always such a question. I realize that my friendstroubles always take the form of an angular imprisonment. We drove in our own carall down the valley of that big river. Take it, Ed, says he, I wont be wearing it. We were seated side by side in chairs in the hotel rotunda. It was called The Triumphal Progress of Science. Im afraid, I said, that I dont know anything about it. Richardson also got rid of his landing net onthe trip. The Pullman Man opened up a newspaper and lit a cigar. Then he lit his pipe, quietly and firmly, to lend emphasis to whathe was going to say. I see, he said, where thisguy Mussolini is getting busy again. It was really quite a triumph for my husband making the coursehere. In fact, we were quite a cosmopolitan crowd. And did you get on all right with the Germans? I done it for him, answered Ed, just the way I landed yours. ButI beg your pardon, he added, Im interrupting you. Well, I dont know, said the man who spoke just before. ButI beg your pardon, he added, Im interrupting you. So we have never botheredto think about amusements. By some incurableoptimism, he really thinks so. How do you think things will begin to shape for the election? I thought, he continued, that Id trace it down from early timesand show the way it has come on. How did that last Atlantic flight suit you? We spent thus a pleasant half hour in discourse together. How do you think things will begin to shape for the election? I said, and the people are sointeresting. But no doubt the Man with the Adventure Story is still telling itsomewhere, somehow, to somebody. I spent most of my time in carrying the canoe, lighting fires, andwashing dishes. I hope youre going to make some use ofit. They got me stung to speak at thiscursed banquet to-night on Our Country. He would never stop me in the rain, or the sleet.

Suffice it to say that what has been sufficent has sufficed.


Luke said...

Sometimes I think it'd be nice to have incurableoptimism. :)

Chris said...

which reminds me...


Anonymous said...

You should rename your blog Isocrates Had His Head On Straight.