Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Camera Ready art, pictures will be fed-exed

Wonderful words. It means I have to do squat. I don't feel like doing anything today anyhoo. Unmotivated to the core. It's raining again. I like rain when it's warm outside. But I think it's not so warm out right now.

I deiced not to get the bike after all. I don't need it. It would be an expensive sunny day toy that I would Probably end up killing myself on. I am an organ donor but I would like to keep them as long as I can. I got a call form my older brother yesterday and he sang happy birhday to me. It was great. Almost like he was in public and didn't wanna draw attention to himself but he still wanted to sing. It was wonderful. He is a drug rep for merck. I bet he was in a hospital somewhere and spur of the moment remembered and deiced to call. I love it. That's probably not what happened at all but I like to think so.

So today, Another day.

I don't feel 27.


I look at that and think,

whoa, that's alot older then I feel.

I wake up like probably 17

I get outta bed like 85

I'll stop there.

I don't feel like 27

THOUGHT: Dad was 27 when I was born. I am old enough to have me as a kid when I was born...... woah.. my head hurts

NOTHER THOUGHT: I am exactally half his age right now. cool. I think I'm gonna give him a call and bug him about how old he is, I definately will feel better then.

I wonder what people do in their midlife crisis. If I died at 54, this would be my midlife so I better get cracking at this crisis thing. I was gonna buy a bike... but I don't feel like it anymore. I could put a lift kit on the jeep, but that think is mostly rust and that would be a terrible investment. Sides I gotta get the thing runnin first.

I could... get a new hobby... not like I do that every month anyway...

I could... buy a new toy... like... an xbox 360 or something... but that's just a new way to throw money away.

Man, these mid life crisis things are hard to plan.

I could write a book. A book about... nuthin. Just stuff that's happened. Trips I have taken. People I have met.
There is no way I have the attention span for that. Maybe I'll just have my crisis later....

1 comment:

Luke said...

crisis'...crisi?....anyway, they stink.