DP1: hey bob.... bob wake up, look! He's blogging
DP2: you sure? He always writes to that woman now, he doesn't blog anymore.
DP1: Yeah I can see the screen from here, I don't know what he's writitng yet but he's blogging.
DP2: Good, I hope it's better then that sappy junk that he's been writing lately. Have you seen that garbage?
DP1: Well I happen to think it's cute
DP2: No, seriously the guy has some problems. He used to write the best blogs, i loved his stories! now all he does is gush on that woman now. Sad, sad times.
DP1: oh give it a rest.
DP2: Blah blah blah Janelle blah blah beautiful eyes blah blah you complete me blah blah blah blah God gives me so much strength through you blah blah blah blessed beyond what I deserve. You could hit the guy with a brick and he wouldn't notice.
DP1: Are you still sore over that coke can that dumped you?
DP2: Hey that was low, all I am saying is it been barely two weeks and the dude is whipped. That's all. Pathetic. I miss the stories and babbling and stuff.
DP1: Well he still babbles, only to her, I think it's romantic
DP2: I think you got a screw loose.
DP1: have you seen him? Do you see the way his face looks? Have you seen him not smile yet? He just gazes at that picture while he sends her Emails
DP2: Stop it, I'm getting that puke taste in my mouth. It's like he dropped off the face of the earth. He doesn't talk to ANYONE ANMORE
DP1: HEY NOT TRUE, he talked to a buncha people last week.
DP2: But he doesn't talk about anything but her anymore!!
DP1: Um, yeah that the way it's supposed to be. Sold out remember? He had been waiting for this for a long time. Look at how she fits him perfect, like they were designed for each other
DP2: Soldout?
DP1: Soldout.
DP2: But what about the stories?
DP1: My guess is that they will be back, just probably about her.
DP2: That bites.
DP1: Get used to it.
DP2: Looks like he's finishing up, I wonder what he wrote......
DP2: pathetic
DP1: I hope he recycles you soon
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Friday, June 24, 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I was eating with jud at a chinese place today. It was good. We were talking and he asked me what I did last night. I said I went to ty and tinas for a while and then went home. He asked me what I did on monday and I told him I played my gutiar and stuff. He looked at me and I smiled and said "Yeah I know, I have no life."
Someone once told me that they were the worlds most boring person.
I beg to differ.
There was a time where I HAD to be doing something everysecond of every hour of every day and I hated the fact that I had to stop for sleep or my body would crash and burn. I used to hate sleeping. But since I have moved to Fort Scott, life has slowed massively down. And honestly I'm loving that I am turning intothe worlds most boring person.
Example: activities for the bored between 5 and bed time that are worth mentioning in Fort Scott.
1. Go to walmart
2. Go for a cruise in the jeep (prior to the marmaton river incident), then go to walmart
3. Play ages of empires at the banwarts with the computers all hooked up together, see if anyone wants to go to walmart.
4. If I'm with tim, go for ice cream and them go training (sit by a railroad track and wait for trains to go by) then see if walmart's open.
5. THURSDAY SOFTBALL!!!.. and hop by walmart on the way.....
6. puzzles (got at walmart)
7. guitar (not got at walmart)
8. Go to work and play in photoshop (after a trip to walmart.)
9. Rollerblade at the college track. (actually havent found the motivation for that in forever)
10. clean the apartment with all stuff I got at walmart. (sweeper, glass cleaner, 409)
and that's only if I'm motivated.
Which I havent been.
So what do I do to keep busy?
I borrowed Ty's XBOX and got that cabella's 2005 Big game Hunting (at walmart) and spend my days lately hunting... stuff. I found that I'm getting really good at getting mauled by wolves and falling of cliffs....
maybe I'll just go to walmart tonight...
Someone once told me that they were the worlds most boring person.
I beg to differ.
There was a time where I HAD to be doing something everysecond of every hour of every day and I hated the fact that I had to stop for sleep or my body would crash and burn. I used to hate sleeping. But since I have moved to Fort Scott, life has slowed massively down. And honestly I'm loving that I am turning intothe worlds most boring person.
Example: activities for the bored between 5 and bed time that are worth mentioning in Fort Scott.
1. Go to walmart
2. Go for a cruise in the jeep (prior to the marmaton river incident), then go to walmart
3. Play ages of empires at the banwarts with the computers all hooked up together, see if anyone wants to go to walmart.
4. If I'm with tim, go for ice cream and them go training (sit by a railroad track and wait for trains to go by) then see if walmart's open.
5. THURSDAY SOFTBALL!!!.. and hop by walmart on the way.....
6. puzzles (got at walmart)
7. guitar (not got at walmart)
8. Go to work and play in photoshop (after a trip to walmart.)
9. Rollerblade at the college track. (actually havent found the motivation for that in forever)
10. clean the apartment with all stuff I got at walmart. (sweeper, glass cleaner, 409)
and that's only if I'm motivated.
Which I havent been.
So what do I do to keep busy?
I borrowed Ty's XBOX and got that cabella's 2005 Big game Hunting (at walmart) and spend my days lately hunting... stuff. I found that I'm getting really good at getting mauled by wolves and falling of cliffs....
maybe I'll just go to walmart tonight...
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Boys camp
This weekend from Thursday to Sunday will be one of my main highlights of this year. This summer already has it's main highlights but one this is gonna be ranked up there with the best. One of my most favorite things in the world is being a counsler at Jr high boys camp. This will be my fourth year serving the Lord through serving these kids. I love it when a weekend feels like a lifetime. I can't wait to find the kid who sits by himself on the sideline. I can't wait to find the kid in my cabin that totally keeps to himself. I CAN'T wait to find the kid that is experiencing his first time away from home and is scared. I CAN'T WAIT to show these kids specifically that I have been waititng all year just to be with them. That all I want outta this weekend and my purpose is to be with them, to goof around, to sing stupid songs to them off the top of my head.
A couple years ago I remember I had three like that in my cabin. One kid had a basball cap that was like his security blanket. One kid was putting on this "too cool for this" kinda act and one kid said nothing at all. By sunday there were no barriers, all guard was down. By the end, the cap was off, "too cool" was humbled and gave me a hug, and I couldn't get the quite one to shut up. It was amazing. God is so good. So good.
One year I had three kids that didn't wanna go canoeing. I didn't pry and I didn't ask why but I could see in their eyes that it most definately wasn't on their top ten list. Probably ranking somewhere right under going to the dentist (although I hear that depending on the gas they use it's actually a pleasant experience). ANYHOO. I got permission from the administrator to do something else with them as long at is was something that would tire them out. Not a problem. So we got to explore allerton park where camp is at every year. The place is huge and it's got trails everywhere that empty out to clearings with statues in the middle of nowhere. It reminded me alot of the setting of alison in wonderland. It was amazing. SO MUCH FUN. When we go back the other kids in the cabin told my three "I can't believe you didn't go, you seriously missed out". My three said "Are you kidding? We were with chris and we went exploring! YOU totally missed out." Then they went on and told the others everything and there were more stories about the park told that night then anything else. It felt so good. God totally blesses me through those kids.
Three kids out of a hundred and twenty. If that's all I touched, I am blessed.
Anyhoo I would really appreciate your prayers in that lives would be touched and seeds will be planted. My First year I remember a couple days later I got a phone call form a camper, that he appreciated my example during devotions and loved how I loved being goofy with everybody, yet completely serious when I talked about the word. He called to let me know that he gave his life to the Lord. I cried. It was amazing. Hearts are touched through this and God work is being done. I'm so excited to be a part of it. Pray for this weekend that His work contiunes on and that the attitude is one of a servant heart for all the counsilers. That this is not a YG mens fellowship weekend. This weekend is for the kids. This weekend is for God and I am humbled to be a part of it.
A couple years ago I remember I had three like that in my cabin. One kid had a basball cap that was like his security blanket. One kid was putting on this "too cool for this" kinda act and one kid said nothing at all. By sunday there were no barriers, all guard was down. By the end, the cap was off, "too cool" was humbled and gave me a hug, and I couldn't get the quite one to shut up. It was amazing. God is so good. So good.
One year I had three kids that didn't wanna go canoeing. I didn't pry and I didn't ask why but I could see in their eyes that it most definately wasn't on their top ten list. Probably ranking somewhere right under going to the dentist (although I hear that depending on the gas they use it's actually a pleasant experience). ANYHOO. I got permission from the administrator to do something else with them as long at is was something that would tire them out. Not a problem. So we got to explore allerton park where camp is at every year. The place is huge and it's got trails everywhere that empty out to clearings with statues in the middle of nowhere. It reminded me alot of the setting of alison in wonderland. It was amazing. SO MUCH FUN. When we go back the other kids in the cabin told my three "I can't believe you didn't go, you seriously missed out". My three said "Are you kidding? We were with chris and we went exploring! YOU totally missed out." Then they went on and told the others everything and there were more stories about the park told that night then anything else. It felt so good. God totally blesses me through those kids.
Three kids out of a hundred and twenty. If that's all I touched, I am blessed.
Anyhoo I would really appreciate your prayers in that lives would be touched and seeds will be planted. My First year I remember a couple days later I got a phone call form a camper, that he appreciated my example during devotions and loved how I loved being goofy with everybody, yet completely serious when I talked about the word. He called to let me know that he gave his life to the Lord. I cried. It was amazing. Hearts are touched through this and God work is being done. I'm so excited to be a part of it. Pray for this weekend that His work contiunes on and that the attitude is one of a servant heart for all the counsilers. That this is not a YG mens fellowship weekend. This weekend is for the kids. This weekend is for God and I am humbled to be a part of it.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Dead to self
I felt a twinge and decied to follow it.
So many times I sing a hymn and never listen to what I am singing. I will sing a hymn for the sake of harmony, and I wont absorb the meaning. So many times I say "God it's in your hands now" and then I only let go with one hand. The alter is for an offering. That's where the offering is set to fire to give to God. The hand that wont let go of what needs to be given to God will be the hand that get's burnt.
You have longed for sweet peace,
And for faith to increase,
And have earnestly, fervently prayed;
But you cannot have rest,
Or be perfectly blest,
Until all on the altar is laid.
Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
Your heart does the Spirit control?
You can only be blest,
And have peace and sweet rest,
As you yield Him your body and soul.
Would you walk with the Lord,
In the light of His Word,
And have peace and contentment alway?
You must do His sweet will,
To be free from all ill,
On the altar your all you must lay.
O we never can know
What the Lord will bestow
Of the blessings for which we have prayed,
Till our body and soul
He doth fully control,
And our all on the altar is laid.
Who can tell all the love
He will send from above,
And how happy our hearts will be made,
Of the fellowship sweet
We shall share at His feet,
When our all on the altar is laid.
Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
Your heart does the Spirit control?
You can only be blest,
And have peace and sweet rest,
As you yield Him your body and soul.
So many times I sing a hymn and never listen to what I am singing. I will sing a hymn for the sake of harmony, and I wont absorb the meaning. So many times I say "God it's in your hands now" and then I only let go with one hand. The alter is for an offering. That's where the offering is set to fire to give to God. The hand that wont let go of what needs to be given to God will be the hand that get's burnt.
You have longed for sweet peace,
And for faith to increase,
And have earnestly, fervently prayed;
But you cannot have rest,
Or be perfectly blest,
Until all on the altar is laid.
Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
Your heart does the Spirit control?
You can only be blest,
And have peace and sweet rest,
As you yield Him your body and soul.
Would you walk with the Lord,
In the light of His Word,
And have peace and contentment alway?
You must do His sweet will,
To be free from all ill,
On the altar your all you must lay.
O we never can know
What the Lord will bestow
Of the blessings for which we have prayed,
Till our body and soul
He doth fully control,
And our all on the altar is laid.
Who can tell all the love
He will send from above,
And how happy our hearts will be made,
Of the fellowship sweet
We shall share at His feet,
When our all on the altar is laid.
Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
Your heart does the Spirit control?
You can only be blest,
And have peace and sweet rest,
As you yield Him your body and soul.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
So so lost
I cleaned my room yesterday while I was moving all my stuff. I found my ipod, my wallet, and my camera, my battery pack, my favorite pen, my checkbook, my new credit card, my brak cd, my head phones, my wall adapters for a buncha stuff and my house keys. It was great, just like christmas!
I'm thinkin I'm gonna go buy a table today. I feel like doing my puzzle and the one I have isn't big enough. A table, and a boat load of plants and.... I am so getting ahead of myself. This is the way I am. I want to finish my puzzle and BECAUSE OF THAT, I end up buying a living room set. Go figure. Oh well. I guess I'm going to Ruddics after work.
Work is just work. Nothing exciting. Allison is coming this weekend so I hope the group goes to the lake house. We never go there unless we have company. Maybe we can have a bonfire. Maybe a phone call later I can snag daves wakeboard..
This weekend just got a heck of a lot more better. But we will see...
IF we go to the lake
IF it doesn't rain
IF dave M get's his wave runners out
IF dave S let us use his wakeboard.
way to many if's to get my hopes up....
such is life.
I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I hate waiting too.
Wednesday already wanting it to be friday.
Pressure was way up last night.
I am so needing a bonfire right now.
A bonfire and a guitar and one of those camp chair thingys that double for seats in canoes....
never mind.
I'm thinkin I'm gonna go buy a table today. I feel like doing my puzzle and the one I have isn't big enough. A table, and a boat load of plants and.... I am so getting ahead of myself. This is the way I am. I want to finish my puzzle and BECAUSE OF THAT, I end up buying a living room set. Go figure. Oh well. I guess I'm going to Ruddics after work.
Work is just work. Nothing exciting. Allison is coming this weekend so I hope the group goes to the lake house. We never go there unless we have company. Maybe we can have a bonfire. Maybe a phone call later I can snag daves wakeboard..
This weekend just got a heck of a lot more better. But we will see...
IF we go to the lake
IF it doesn't rain
IF dave M get's his wave runners out
IF dave S let us use his wakeboard.
way to many if's to get my hopes up....
such is life.
I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I hate waiting too.
Wednesday already wanting it to be friday.
Pressure was way up last night.
I am so needing a bonfire right now.
A bonfire and a guitar and one of those camp chair thingys that double for seats in canoes....
never mind.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
On the outside looking into...
a blurb.
Not quit sure what that is but I bet it tastes like peach jam.
Ya ever had peach jam?
Love that stuff.
man it's lonely at the top.
Being boss is like
winning a free trip to.... um
Had lunch with bossman Don today.
Cool guy, talked about responsibility.
I told him that resposibility was alot like my truck.
Execpt that My truck probably gets better gas milage then responsibility and I bet it's alot louder now that the muffler fell off and the paint is peeling off and..
what were we talking about?
I like subway.
and I like pickles too.
but not the kind that makes your cheeks pucker. (the ones on my face)
I hate those.
So summer is passing by and I have YET to go camping this year...
Something is seriously wrong
I have had like three invites so far.
2 to the old stripmine and one to colorado and I had to bail on each. This bites. I slept in my cocoon bag last night on the floor cause I was going through withdraw. I need to get a fireplace. That would rock. Or I could light the tree in the back yard on fire. Tha'd be cool for a while til ithe firemen come and I try to explain how lighting hit my tree during a..... freakish...
invisible.... mute.. thundersto.... ok bad idea.
But instead I'm here.
Wondering what it would be like to visit switzerland.
Or Alaska.
I wanna see the orcas by the northwest coast.
I wanna see the redwood forrest.
I wanna go camping at yellowstone.
but INSTEAD...
I sit here and wonder what I'm gonna have for supper.
I should try to cook tonight.
Like.... a....
I have no idea.
What I need to do is find the nearest greenhouse and splurge.
I am so turning my living room into a rainforest.
That would so rock.
I feel like a kid in a candy store
Or like an adult in a....
whatever store those guys get excited about....
know what?
last night it was 140/73
just in case you wanted to know.
you know who you are.
Hi how are ya?
Not quit sure what that is but I bet it tastes like peach jam.
Ya ever had peach jam?
Love that stuff.
man it's lonely at the top.
Being boss is like
winning a free trip to.... um
Had lunch with bossman Don today.
Cool guy, talked about responsibility.
I told him that resposibility was alot like my truck.
Execpt that My truck probably gets better gas milage then responsibility and I bet it's alot louder now that the muffler fell off and the paint is peeling off and..
what were we talking about?
I like subway.
and I like pickles too.
but not the kind that makes your cheeks pucker. (the ones on my face)
I hate those.
So summer is passing by and I have YET to go camping this year...
Something is seriously wrong
I have had like three invites so far.
2 to the old stripmine and one to colorado and I had to bail on each. This bites. I slept in my cocoon bag last night on the floor cause I was going through withdraw. I need to get a fireplace. That would rock. Or I could light the tree in the back yard on fire. Tha'd be cool for a while til ithe firemen come and I try to explain how lighting hit my tree during a..... freakish...
invisible.... mute.. thundersto.... ok bad idea.
But instead I'm here.
Wondering what it would be like to visit switzerland.
Or Alaska.
I wanna see the orcas by the northwest coast.
I wanna see the redwood forrest.
I wanna go camping at yellowstone.
but INSTEAD...
I sit here and wonder what I'm gonna have for supper.
I should try to cook tonight.
Like.... a....
I have no idea.
What I need to do is find the nearest greenhouse and splurge.
I am so turning my living room into a rainforest.
That would so rock.
I feel like a kid in a candy store
Or like an adult in a....
whatever store those guys get excited about....
know what?
last night it was 140/73
just in case you wanted to know.
you know who you are.
Hi how are ya?
blog day
Finished and nobody is here but me.
Makes me feel pretty good to be in the captians seat of the department. Makes me feel responsible. Makes me feel even more like making prank calls around the plant. "Dan you are wanted in the bathoom, stall number 2. Dan... to the bathroom please."
Better not.
I COULD..... well... nope better not do that either.
I feel like I just won the lottery and don't know how to spend it.
Hate that feeling.
So what do I do with my moment in the spot light?
My time at the top of the department?
I think I'm gonna call a staff meeting and show the proper technique how to make a paper air plane with a paper clip launcher on the tip.
I love my job.
Makes me feel pretty good to be in the captians seat of the department. Makes me feel responsible. Makes me feel even more like making prank calls around the plant. "Dan you are wanted in the bathoom, stall number 2. Dan... to the bathroom please."
Better not.
I COULD..... well... nope better not do that either.
I feel like I just won the lottery and don't know how to spend it.
Hate that feeling.
So what do I do with my moment in the spot light?
My time at the top of the department?
I think I'm gonna call a staff meeting and show the proper technique how to make a paper air plane with a paper clip launcher on the tip.
I love my job.
I feel like I just got caught in a bear trap and feel an urge to chew my leg off and run for freedom.
Gonna be flyinig solo today.
Like.... a greenhouse somewhere picking out plants. I'm gonna turn my living room into a garden. Cause I feel like it.
Simon took vacation today
Nelson took vacation this week
Esther is leaving at noon.
My brain is so going on strike.
So in the office alone....
...This could get awesome.
Gonna be flyinig solo today.
Like.... a greenhouse somewhere picking out plants. I'm gonna turn my living room into a garden. Cause I feel like it.
Simon took vacation today
Nelson took vacation this week
Esther is leaving at noon.
My brain is so going on strike.
So in the office alone....
...This could get awesome.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Monday motivation
no such thing
stop making up words
IT's BAD today.
And it's not like there is nothing to do today which is not a good thing either....
need film on this, new file on that, TYPESET (evil evil word) this, scan these pictures....
all I hear is.... well I hear everyword and I AM doing it, but.. I would so much rather be somewhere else right now.
no such thing
stop making up words
IT's BAD today.
And it's not like there is nothing to do today which is not a good thing either....
need film on this, new file on that, TYPESET (evil evil word) this, scan these pictures....
all I hear is.... well I hear everyword and I AM doing it, but.. I would so much rather be somewhere else right now.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Yeah, he's mine

Well.... he's Ross's but when I am in morton, he's mine.
I can't say a whole lot more cause words cant describe how I feel
and he's 800 miles away.
Kills me that I have to be so far away from this.
Honestly I don't know a ton about him.
I know that he can crawl like nobody's business
I know that he loves it when you sing to him. (He starts singing too)
I know that he loves rhythms, patting his chest or hitting mine in a techno rave beat, He gets ticked when you quit.
I know that he gets super excitedd about small stuff like drinking outta a cup with out a lid.
I know that I love him even though I wonder if he know's who I am.
I'm totally turning into the uncle that you only see at christmas and thanksgiving.
But it's alright. I know that I am where I am supposed to be and I have peace.
I'm glad for pictures like this.
I got more of his sisters but I'll post those later.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Confessions of a drama king
Alas a fournight has past since the last promise to the world that the dredded Dr pepper should nere touch my tongue. Nay i say should such a vow should have ere passed my lips without such dedicatoin as I have had. But harken unto my words that ye my be sorrowful in heart and thy head full of loathing for such a rag as I. For insomuch that I have had pizza ere last eve, my confession to thee is but this: Half a can had passed my thorat. Say not unto mine ears that thou wouldest scorn me. Nay, thou shouldest keep thy tougue. But mine brothers and sisters, say unto me that thy love wouldst not leave me for such an act. My heart is sorrowful and my mind a grevious tempest for I know alone am I accountable to mine health and my years upon this dreaded sphere should nay reach untimely end. Rejoyce with me, mine family of the heart, for in as much as I have been defeated of mine own desires that I have yet a victory won. For I have been blessed with a number 3 value meal ere the day before this. Twas escorted with fries and a carbonated beverage which I hastened, with no small effort, to deny myself the fruits there of and asked only of a water and granted the fries to someone of a stronger heart. Be happy for me my fellow kin of the King's Son. My heart and body doth belong to the King and I shall be a steward thereof.
Rejoyce and be ye glad as I
Make thy mind merry with memories of me but be ye sober in heart
that thine and mine days may be full and with out number and that we may love as we have been loved.
know what else?
I'm wearing yellow today and it makes me look tan.
Rejoyce and be ye glad as I
Make thy mind merry with memories of me but be ye sober in heart
that thine and mine days may be full and with out number and that we may love as we have been loved.
know what else?
I'm wearing yellow today and it makes me look tan.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Camera Ready art, pictures will be fed-exed
Wonderful words. It means I have to do squat. I don't feel like doing anything today anyhoo. Unmotivated to the core. It's raining again. I like rain when it's warm outside. But I think it's not so warm out right now.
I deiced not to get the bike after all. I don't need it. It would be an expensive sunny day toy that I would Probably end up killing myself on. I am an organ donor but I would like to keep them as long as I can. I got a call form my older brother yesterday and he sang happy birhday to me. It was great. Almost like he was in public and didn't wanna draw attention to himself but he still wanted to sing. It was wonderful. He is a drug rep for merck. I bet he was in a hospital somewhere and spur of the moment remembered and deiced to call. I love it. That's probably not what happened at all but I like to think so.
So today, Another day.
I don't feel 27.
I look at that and think,
whoa, that's alot older then I feel.
I wake up like probably 17
I get outta bed like 85
I'll stop there.
I don't feel like 27
THOUGHT: Dad was 27 when I was born. I am old enough to have me as a kid when I was born...... woah.. my head hurts
NOTHER THOUGHT: I am exactally half his age right now. cool. I think I'm gonna give him a call and bug him about how old he is, I definately will feel better then.
I wonder what people do in their midlife crisis. If I died at 54, this would be my midlife so I better get cracking at this crisis thing. I was gonna buy a bike... but I don't feel like it anymore. I could put a lift kit on the jeep, but that think is mostly rust and that would be a terrible investment. Sides I gotta get the thing runnin first.
I could... get a new hobby... not like I do that every month anyway...
I could... buy a new toy... like... an xbox 360 or something... but that's just a new way to throw money away.
Man, these mid life crisis things are hard to plan.
I could write a book. A book about... nuthin. Just stuff that's happened. Trips I have taken. People I have met.
There is no way I have the attention span for that. Maybe I'll just have my crisis later....
I deiced not to get the bike after all. I don't need it. It would be an expensive sunny day toy that I would Probably end up killing myself on. I am an organ donor but I would like to keep them as long as I can. I got a call form my older brother yesterday and he sang happy birhday to me. It was great. Almost like he was in public and didn't wanna draw attention to himself but he still wanted to sing. It was wonderful. He is a drug rep for merck. I bet he was in a hospital somewhere and spur of the moment remembered and deiced to call. I love it. That's probably not what happened at all but I like to think so.
So today, Another day.
I don't feel 27.
I look at that and think,
whoa, that's alot older then I feel.
I wake up like probably 17
I get outta bed like 85
I'll stop there.
I don't feel like 27
THOUGHT: Dad was 27 when I was born. I am old enough to have me as a kid when I was born...... woah.. my head hurts
NOTHER THOUGHT: I am exactally half his age right now. cool. I think I'm gonna give him a call and bug him about how old he is, I definately will feel better then.
I wonder what people do in their midlife crisis. If I died at 54, this would be my midlife so I better get cracking at this crisis thing. I was gonna buy a bike... but I don't feel like it anymore. I could put a lift kit on the jeep, but that think is mostly rust and that would be a terrible investment. Sides I gotta get the thing runnin first.
I could... get a new hobby... not like I do that every month anyway...
I could... buy a new toy... like... an xbox 360 or something... but that's just a new way to throw money away.
Man, these mid life crisis things are hard to plan.
I could write a book. A book about... nuthin. Just stuff that's happened. Trips I have taken. People I have met.
There is no way I have the attention span for that. Maybe I'll just have my crisis later....
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