Tuesday, July 05, 2005

How good is God?

So I'm sitting here, thinkin about Janelle (as I tend to spend the vast majority of my time now) and I thank God with every breath for her. I know I dont deserve her, I know I am not worth her. But she gives herself fully and completely to me as I do to her.

Then the thought "God is soooo good."

Why? God has always been good. Kinda convicting. God is good all the time. Before Janelle gave herself to me, God did. God sent himself as his Son, to die a sinners death so that I might live. A sinless life and a sinners death.

How often have I thanked God for Janelle? Endless without ceasing.
How often have I thanked God for the shed blood of Jesus Christ that covered my sin? .......hmmm

But a neat thought comes with that too, God used Janelle in my life to bring this to my eyes.

Thank You Father for my Janelle
Thank You for your Son.

How bout you?
You can thank him now too ya know.
And if you haven't accepted Him as your Lord and Savior....
well then that's something to think about too, isn't it?


megs said...

thanks for the great reminder chris!! it's just too bad that it took you getting engaged for you to bring this to us! ;) i'm just kidding!! i'm glad you're enjoying your life being twiterpated!

Anonymous said...

Do you guys have a date yet or what? You're killing us with the anticipation here.