Friday, December 02, 2005

red letter day

No seriously.
Today is like a pivotal point in my life.

today I start posting from HOME!!

This is so cool.

ok now that the newness of this is worn off...

My beloved gave me a list today of things to get at the store.
A most unpleasant experience.
I'd rather be cutting down trees and burning various things but I guess this is what is called a compromise, she tells me something and I do it.
So i went to the store. The list really wasn't that big and the bill was under thirty dollars but still, asking a guy to do this.... just wasn't right.

SO, first step.
Find a cart. I seriously hate pushing one of these things around, especially when I know that I am going to wondering around for the next hour. Like I wanna push that around for that long. So I find the middle of the store and park it there.

For the next hour and a half I walk through the store, dazed and confused wondering why I found the orange juice in the dairy by the beer or wondering why the sausage links aren't really by the deli. Yes I'm sure if you are a woman and reading this you're thinkin "well duh! where else would you put it?" and you pretty much have the layout of every grocery store memorized.
Yeah well guess what, I'm not a woman. You can trust me on this one, I may scream like one when I see a rattle snake (by the way that's still a negative on that one, thank goodness) but when it comes to food marts and grocery stores forget it.

Next time when she asks and before I say "yes dear" I'm gonna lodge a complaint and have her draw me a map.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what would make it worse? If "feminine products" were on the list. You should count yourself lucky, man!