Friday, December 16, 2005

One Question...

....that keeps on getting asked.
Probably will be for the next couple years

"So.. how's the married life treating you."

Every day I wonder how it could possibly be better.

And every day I find out how.

Love, what is that?

Love is be able to be honest when it will hurt.
Love is being able to take honesty when it hurts.
Love is having a really nasty day, and after the frist five minutes of being home with her, I forget that I even went to work that day.
Love is filling up the car the night before so she will have a full tank of gas in the morning.
Love is starting up the car at four in the morning to warm it up before she leaves, and after watching her pull away, spend the next fifteen praying to God that He would bring her back to me, safely.
Love is hearing the garage door open at 9:15 (17 hours later) and having my heart leap to my throat knowing my beloved is home, even after three months.

Love is knowing that she's home right now, waiting for me.
and it's five oclock, and I'm probably gonna break the sound barrier getting home.

how's married life?
I'd say I'm in love and it's all good.


Anonymous said...

chris..i'll say God bless....only cuz i miss you and haven't seen you for so long..and anything less would just be not soo cool....have a great christmas...and my cell phone is dead so don't call..just pray :)

jw said...

Hmm, married life sounds good, always wondered, who better to tell me then a married man himself, sa weet!

jw said...

Chris, funny story, all this time I thought this was the blog of Chris Stoller. So Friday night I told him how completly impressed I was with his imagination and writing ability and the fact that he could write so elequently about an imaginary wife. He then quickly explained that this was not his blog, but instead yours Mr. Wuthrich. It hit me hard, but I'm recooping, I mean so many parallels: jeeps, flamethrowers, eh that's about it. Well, excellent blog, and indeed I find you are a married man (the last comment was originally sarcasm but now you can take it literally). God bless bro!

Luke said...


How's married life treating you?

oh wait? Was that addressed already?

Angie said...

I know exactly what you mean, Chris...
Only probably vice versa...
Enjoy it. We are...

M said...

That's beautiful. That's love.

Nicely put, friend. God has been more than good. God has been miraculous....per usual. :-)