Monday, August 01, 2005

Westside Story

As janelle was working the night shift at the ICU this weekend, I had the priviledge of spending saturday evening at the theater park with alan.

We watched the live performance of westside story.
I'll sum it up for ya.

two gangs; some guys who grew up in new york that call themselves the jets and some guys who come from puerto rico that call themselves the sharks.

For some reason these guys just can't play nice and blame all their problems on each other, idiots.

SO theres a dance, both gangs are there. tony, (ex-jets, best friend of main jet) retired from the gang "looking for something more, something just around the bend" and some how finds it in a "PR" (puerto rico) hottie named Maria whos looking for the same thing.

side note: I about died when she started singing "I feel pretty, oh so pretty" song.

Tony meets meets Maria, Maria meets tony, they like each other, gangs freakout, knockdown dragout narrowly avoided.

A war council is set.

here is where my willing suspension of disbelief NAILED a brick wall.

Tony confesses his undying love, true devotion, forsaking all else, for her and only her and proclaims, in love, to never leave her blah blah blah.
Yeah, so what. been there done that.....

Next day the two gangs are pulling a old testiment Israelites/Philistines thing and pull out their best man to represent the gang in a hand to hand fight.

after pretending to get married, 2 hour whipped boy gets persuaded by the PR hottie to try to stop the fight. in getting in the way, tony ends the life of best friend. Then, in total rage, end's life of sharks boss man. way to go tony, tell that one to the girl.

another brick wall...
"ummm.... yeah so I tried to stop the fight sweetie... but I kinda killed everyone in it instead... didn't mean to....forgive me?"

and she's like.....
"weeeeeeelllll.... ok."

so tony waits for girl as she deals with snoopy detective about fight and deaths, but catches rumor that hottie was shot and killed by jelious shark. So tony runs in the street yelling take me too! And in the final monents in his life sees the hottie looking for him, but gets shot and dies. hottie freaks out, grabs the gun and just about pulls a shakesphere, but wimps out and that's the end.

so umm....

Yeah i liked it.
The tough guys danced like fairys and everybody who was cool snapped their fingers while they walked.

moral of the story.....

TACT IS A GOOD THING. and you might want to wait a tad longer then 2 hours of first meeting then person to confess an undying love. Just a thought.


Julie said...

Hmmmm.... tell that to a majority of ACs. :)

M said...

Dude--so you can't just willfully DIS-suspend your disbelief in a musical, b/c OF COURSE the sweet devoted boy has to profess undying love within two hours of meeting her; otherwise, you'd be watching in real time, and unless you want to sit there for many many months to watch a movie, well,'re fresh out of luck. Go with it, friend.

West Side Story is seriously one of my favorite musicals in the entire world. Although....the "I Feel Pretty" song makes me laugh as well. :-P

And on "pulling a Shakespeare but wimping out," that is the most beautiful part of the whole story--she doesn't kill herself or anybody else, but she gets through to the rest of the gangs. Her life of misery after that is a constant reminder of what hate does to the human race. I think it's brilliantly beautiful, though sobering.

AND...that's it for my evaluation. Would I could have seen West Side Story on stage. ;-)

Chris said...

it took under five minutes for me to see the guy meet the girl and to profess. Musical passing of time–from the "dance" to the "stairway" two hours or less.

what WOULD OF BEEN brilliantly beautiful, though sobering was if the hottie would of blown everybody away and then just said she was sorry to the cop and everything would of been fine. That would of fit.

Anonymous said...

OH OH! Then Elvis could of magically appeared and healed everyone by singng don't be cruel!

That would of been perfect!!
it was a musical...

Luke said...

Julie: HA!! I LOVE it!

I think it would've been cool if Tony and Maria would've gotten married had 20 kids and started their own "Gang of Love" Then when the other gangs attacked they could've all pointed their hearts at them and rejected them with flying beams of hearts! Yeah! That would've been awesome.

Anonymous said...



M said...

Oh man oh man oh man.

