Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Somewhere in the neighborhood of 54 days 2 hours and and around 38 minutes.
again.. give or take.

what stresses me the most about all this, invitations. I hate it. Who gets a formal invitation? We worked it out. We can fit 70 guests each and that includes family. That's all that will fit in the church.

70 - family.

how are we gonna do this?

8 years in the young group, growing up in a church of 700 in attendance. Moving from Roanoke to morton to phoenix to fort scott. Developing extreamly close relationships at each place. So who comes? My grand parents and their children and their families are coming. Dad and Mom's side. There are some men that have been a father to me during the hardest times of my life. They and their families are coming. Know how much that leaves? You don't want to know. Chances are that someone is really gonna be hurt. Honestly, no one has fell thorugh the cracks in my mind. Every face is there is there in my mind and there isn't enough room in the bluffton church for all who mean a great deal to me to come. You know who you are. If you don't get an invitation, I didn't forget you and it breaks my heart that I can't invite all who I would like to be there. By no means an I telling anyone to not come. If you are planning on coming, then come. You will bless us by being there, just be ready to have standing room only. There will be a reception after church that there will be plenty of room at and two weeks later (weekend of 22&23) we are holding a reception in roanoke for all who couldn't be invited from central Illinois.

So Just to let you know specifically, it tears me up to send out a fraction of invites that are in my heart.
I love you and If you can't be there physcially I pray that you will be there for us spiritually by keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Nice spam on such a sentimental post. :) Gotta love it (or not). Anyway, Chris, don't worry about it. People will understand. I'm a pretty unbiased by-stander in all of this, and I really think people will understand the dilemma. Now if you don't post pictures!.... THAT'll get you in trouble! ;) God bless. I hope everything goes well.