Friday, April 03, 2009

String of thoughts about baloney

Most of the time when I write here, I don't know what I want to write about but I do know I want to write. Mostly just to reassure friends and family that I am yet still alive and somewhat well. It's hard to come up with a title before I write, because then I feel like I have to say within the confines of what the title dictates. Like if I titled this one "ALL ABOUT BEES"; then someone might think "Oh cool I love bees and would love to know more about them!" and then when I don't write anything about Bees, that person would leave these writings feeling cheated....but now I feel obligated.

Honey bees' wings beat 11,400 times per minute.
Bees possess five eyes.
Honeybees can perceive movements that are separated by 1/300th of a second. Humans can only sense movements separated by 1/50th of a second. Were a bee to enter a cinema, it would be able to differentiate each individual movie frame being projected.
Bees cannot recognize the color red.
A single hive contains approximately 40-45,000 bees.

There, I feel better.

I remember when I was little (yesterday) and loved to explore new places. When I first moved here to kansas, I bought a jeep.

(side note: I just realized what I just wrote there seems like two very different ideas with no connection whatsoever and I was tempted to just continue the pattern of totally random sentences but I decided not to. Yes, you're welcome)

anyhoo I just bought a jeep right when I moved here. Every day after work in the summer, the top would be off and I would find a new country dirt road just find out where it went. Sometimes it would pass over a dry (or somewhat dry) creek bed and then I would hop off the road and follow that for a while. I usually didn't bring a map or compass because the whole point was to get lost and to see new places. To find new creeks or lakes. But then it occurs to me: what happens when all the new places become old places and there are no new places to find? At least with in an evenings driving distance. But then again what's so wrong with that? What's wrong with being content with all that I have found? All the neat little creeks to play in or the beautiful country dirt roads that I am getting so used to? Contentment can be a hard thing for me sometimes.

Life expectancy of a worker Bee is approximately 28 to 35 days.
The honeycomb is composed of hexagonal cells with walls that are only 2/1000 inch thick, but support 25 times their own weight.
To make one pound of honey, workers in a hive fly 55,000 miles and tap two million flowers.
Theoretically, the energy in one ounce of honey would provide one bee with enough energy to fly around the world.

I think I found a title for this post, but I don't want to use it.
I might just leave it blank.

Livi and Mom came to visit. It was tons of fun.

I really have nothing more to say but at the same time have no desire to stop either. That would mean getting back to work....

Speaking of, I know a man with a wooden leg named smith...

A penny saved is a penny.

What goes up must come down unless it's a clay pigeon, then it gets blasted into dust and floats away.

Abby is going to be two in july. Wow.

I like Vanilla better then Chocolate?

Are you still reading this?...How about now? WOW.

How now brown cow.

This summer is going to be so much fun! My beloved and I purchased a tiller attachment for a thingy we have. I love to run the tiller. I have no Idea why. At least until I hit a rock. Then I don't like tilling at all... until I get the rock unjammed. Then I love tilling again. Isn't it amazing how fickle we can be.

Abby hates baloney.

HATES Baloney

That is til we let her eat it with a spoon.
Yeah, I know.
But still, she hated it till she had a spoon to eat it with. And then she cut it up and shoveled it in. Sometimes I wonder how often I complain about something so stupid, and unless I have my theoretical spoon, I throw a fit. How much easier would life be if I just ate the baloney of life? No complaining just doing what needs be done. The suppers in life would go much easier.

I miss Ross and his fam. I wish He'd just eat his baloney and get his keister out here, along with his family, to visit for more then a Day.

I'd better eat my baloney and get back to work.
And now I have a suitable title for this post.

Have a great day!!


Staci said...

what was the name of his other leg?

Chris said...


Short for Frankfurterdanan.

Which is translated from Dutch word that means "He who holds the duck"

Weird name for a leg.