Wednesday, November 23, 2005

El Captians log

I had a thought, no it didn't hurt.

How cool would it be to get a flame thrower. Seriously.
for the guy whos got everything (or just plain wants everything).
I'd be like a pyros dream.

I'd make bon fires a tad more interesting.

I could cook geese and ducks... while they are flying overhead. Falling roasted duck. I'd bet the Isrealites wouldna complained about that food falling from the sky.

Probably start one of hte largest grass fires in kansas trying to kill a rattle snake but hey, the price you pay right?

why do I get the distinct possibility that beloved is gonna say no?


megs said...

WOW! gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "zapping your food"... good luck w/ getting that one past janelle!

Julie said...

hmmmmmm....... yeeeeeah....... as a person who has just recently found the person that I want to be joined with - for LIFE - I just have to say...... good luck with that. In MY experience, it probably will go over like a lead rock. :)