Monday, February 28, 2005

this mornings thought

And when they say I'm dead and gone
It won't be further from the truth


M said...

Morning's thought. Who(or what)'s thought? This morning's. Morning is the subject and is showing possession of the object, or the thought. Therefore, the apostrophe is necessary. :-P Yes, I am about to plan the grammar lesson for English 8 tomorrow.

By the way, does this mean you had a great morning??

Chris said...

Someone's a punk and it's not me.
(Please notice the correct use of the apostrophe.)


Anonymous said...

i didn't know you believed in reincarnation. hmmm. does this mean you'll come back as parakeet? i bet you do. you've always reminded me of a parakeet. annoying, small, yellow, always talking...

Chris said...

someone ELSE is also a punk, and again....
it's not me.
