So this seems like the in thing to do. Find a place on the net and just randomly spew out anything and everything that comes to mind. cool.. I can do that. I've been bored at work anyway... I wonder how this works... Do I type thoughts? or like what happened today....
That one guy called again wondering where his job was. Story of my life. "So... zat dun yet? Getter goin.. I need that shipped ta me yesterday." Gee then should of asked for it yesterday punk. "K it's comin" I answer. "Just gotta wait on the computer.
thing is slower then a (insert clever remark here) always rush rush rush then dead slow.... ick.
Still waiting for justin to get done so we can go to topkia tonight. shoulda left an hour ago....
OHOH waiting Hiku!
waiting endlessly
can we just go now or what
he got a phone call
taking forever
so I'll just sit here and type
I wanna go home..
or to topkia...
I wonder if I'm blogging right?
I wonder if that's how you spell topkia?
I'll have to ask brooke on both accounts.
cause she knows stuff....
Chris -
You are absolutely, horribly and terribly wrong on both accounts.
Your first blog commenter
ok so I decided two things
I don't like brooke anymore and I will not ask her anything form her on out
she's just bitter cause I'm cool and she's ugly
This is a blog that I will check everyday of my life...
Cause if anyone will have the funniest blog ever... it will be you.
Have a great day Chris... keep bloggin'
Quis -
Check the clicker thing that says Allow Anonymous Comments. Your friend Amy wants to feel a part of it all.
The Blogger Who Has One Up On You...still
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