Friday, February 16, 2007

Possibly the best directions i have ever given

My older brother and his wife are coming to vist this weekend and needed directions, so I picked out what I was pretty sure was his email addy and wrote a letter that went something like this:

HI if this is you then I get to see you tonight!!!!! IF this is not the right email address, then please don't follow these directions to my house and kill my dogs.



hop on 155 south and take that all the way down to I-72 W (US-36 W) at exit 92A • go 62.2 miles
Take Exit 35 (US-54, IL-107, Griggsville, Pittsfield) on right

From here you can take 54 all the way to Fort Scott, BUT 54 in missouri twists and turns and it's got hills and everything and if you got some car sick kids there's gonna be one heck of a mess on the floor by the time you get here. It's also a road that's kinda nasty in the dark. (deer, curves, hills and such) especially at the end and it will be dark by the time you get the the curvey parts. You also have to watch the signs cause it's a lot like 116 to indiana: turns in towns and stuff. Mom got lost on the way home because it was dark and she missed a sign.


I'll pray for you.

If you don't wish to partake in the road of everlasting despair to can take the Kindom City exit from 54 Onto I 70. and take that to Kansas City. Route your way around the city using south or west 470 and using the and 435 west to 69 south (metcalf).

so either the city interchanges of death OR the road of everlasting despair will both lead to 69 (highway to.... heck)

take 69 to fort scott

we are sick and tired of spending like an hour to get all the stickers perfectly aligned and level and everything on our mailbox just to get it creamed a week later so there are no numbers on our mailbox. Call me when you get close...

or lost..

or die ..

but preferably when you get close and I'll run outside with a flash light or something.

welp.. call me if you have any questions.

and before you leave I want you to know that I love you.
have fun.


ajp said...

did he make it?

Chris said...

The stinker didn't like my directions and found his own way here.

go figure.