Thursday, May 28, 2009

Confessions of a brat

Ok so I really like the church choir.
Seriously I do.
I don't even mind the practices, at least when they first started.

You all know that guy who just sits in the back and is there because if he wasn’t, he’d get punished or something? That kinda sorta was me at choir practice. I just didn’t care to be there.

I could list a bunch of reasons that I didn’t care, but I don't really have the motivation to do that either. I actually did try for a while… sorta. But after the first hour and a half past time to leave, all motivation was lost and I gave in to the dark side of the choir. Everyone knows that side. We all try our hardest to ignore it.

Yes, I was that guy.

The one that got the dirty glances from the conductor.

The one that tried to hum the soprano note when the conductor guy blew the pitch, that then got the dirty look.

The one that started on the wrong note because he tried humming it in falsetto when the conductor blew the pitch and then got the dirty look because it got the tenor next him giggling.

I was that guy.
Not the tenor, the other one.

It kinda went down hill from there... For the next 45 minutes. I didn't realize it could even go down hill for that long. Many more times then once I was asked where we were by the guy next to me. Whoever wrote the sheet music went a little overboard with the CODA's. It didn't help with the not caring.

But now choir is over and I almost miss it.
At least I miss the goofing off part.


As some or many or none of you know, I have a small attention span problem. I have no one to blame but myself... and my mother.

As a result, my hobbies have been kinda fickle. Not that I'm not dedicated to them whole heartedly. Just for smaller increments of time. The wood carving one lasted the longest so far.

At least until now.

Anyone BESIDES FAMILY want to take a stab at what it is?
Hint: I actually didn't think of it till now but my awesome talking like a pirate skills will come in handy.


Valerie said...

I resent that remark!! Why just last week... hey look, a kitty!

Chris said...

Love you mommie