Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It seems that my deep thoughts have been lacking of late. Like non-existent lacking. It seems I just either don't have the time, and if I did, I don't have the motivation.

The institute for children's literature thingy is going great. I have three submissions so far, and I actually like what I have written. The first was about two kids at a bus stop that were being followed by an unknown group of people that had malicious intentions. It was kinda wild because I set the story in a way where I kinda got wrapped up in it so much that I didn't know where it was going to end and I hit a point where I was like "AHHH!!! WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT??" and I remembered that I was the one writing it and I could decide.... yeah, whoa.

The next was about a kid and his older brother that were headed for a space station because for whatever reason the earth was being destroyed. I really didn't go in to the reason but dove pretty deep into the thoughts, memories, and feelings that were experienced by the kid that was leaving everything he knew, never to come back, and start a new life somewhere else. That was a neat one.

It's wild to me that students are given around four weeks.
It takes me around an hour for a 1000 word submission. I just take the rest of the time to pick it apart. Take out what I don't like and improve on the working on the stuff that I do.So I guess I could take less time but I'm utilizing the time given.

SO that's where all the stories are going....

now as for the pictures of Abby.... those are coming yet, I just got to get them off of my camera.

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