Never kick a turtle, it'll hurt your foot and annoy the turtle.
Never kick a lion, You'll just give him high cholesterol when he eats you. (If you are american)
Never kick a snake, you'll probably miss and then fall on your face right beside him then you'll both be in the dirt.
Never kick a cape buffalo, we'd never find all of your pieces to put in the coffin.
Never kick a fly, you'd look like an idiot tryin'
Never kick a hamster, that's just mean
Never kick a dog, they have bigger teeth then you.
Never kick a cat... nevermind, you can kick the cat.
It's always exciting to see "Christopher" pop up at the top of my blog list:) Thanks for another laugh.
Ditto on that, Sarah. I sent this to my dad to forward. It was too good pass up. :)
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