Thursday, September 02, 2010

All things considered

Thinking today about perspectives and beginnings...
and extremely short posts.
Busy day today.
I'll post more tonight.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dazed and Confused

SO I was walking by a press today with labels coming off of it saying something about poison. As I glanced at it I read "Rat and Moose" and I'm thinking, "hey, I like moose, that's not cool."
So I went the rest of the day thinking about the poor moose that is going to be poisoned by this stuff.
I about said something to my supervisor about the poor moose that are going to die a horrible death when I read it again.

"Rat and MOUSE"

Ohhhhhhhhhh... that's different.
(sigh) I have this mental picture of a dying moose.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Last time I had family visit we bought some pop to quell the masses (Joel and Livi). Every time they put a half empty can down it would disappear. They usually didn't notice the disappearance as they would forget they had a can open in the first place. Hence a another would be opened, sat down, forgot about, and disappear. All when unnoticed until bed time and I tried to put to bed a two year old that some how couldn't seem to blink.

Lesson number one. No pop cans or bottles unfinished leave the hand.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Working... Kinda

Jake started working here about two months ago and 've been asked how he's doing.
I'd say we are meshing quite well.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Field Trip

Well It's been a bit since Ryder has been here, so photo booth has set idle for a while. That is until Pittsburg Girl scout troop 540 came for a field trip.

After a tour of the company they came my department and we talked about Client files and photo editing. Mostly how two clients in particular can't ever seem to send accurate photos depicting their colors, i.e. files taken where blue jerseys or shirts or machinery will always print in deep purple.

That was a tad over the head.

So I just colored their hair in photoshop while they watched and then it made perfect sense. The ultimate test in concentration having all these giddy giggling girls bouncing off the walls yelling "DO MINE PINK! DO MINE GREEN!"

And yes the little kiddo in the bottom left was a guy tagging along with his older sister and his mom. I asked him how he's making it being the only guy with all these girls around. He just sighed and said "I don't know".
I told him to hang in there.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Real productive day

Spring break is this week.
And as he had no school today, Ryder came to visit. I LOVE IT when Ryder comes to visit! His mom is a part of the sales department so he'll stop in once and a while.

Good times.

I hope he comes back tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kickin' Advice

Never kick a turtle, it'll hurt your foot and annoy the turtle.

Never kick a lion, You'll just give him high cholesterol when he eats you. (If you are american)

Never kick a snake, you'll probably miss and then fall on your face right beside him then you'll both be in the dirt.

Never kick a cape buffalo, we'd never find all of your pieces to put in the coffin.

Never kick a fly, you'd look like an idiot tryin'

Never kick a hamster, that's just mean

Never kick a dog, they have bigger teeth then you.

Never kick a cat... nevermind, you can kick the cat.