Monday, January 31, 2005

holding what's left of my tounge

two words for ya.


I don't know how...
All I remember is pain and then a metal taste from the blood. So the tip is gone and I'm talking weird and everybody is laughing here at work and I wanna go home.....

but first

I had a good weekend for all those concered. I'm tired and need to go home and do my laundry and continue my strict diet of dr pepper and frozen pizza, but first I would like to share some highlights of the weekend.

Anna doin a steady 80 miles and hour all the way to goodfeild, most of it spent in more then one lane

K Prath in a blue fuzzy hat, rock star glasses and a gold necklace

climbing anthony like a scared raccon after being attacked by Will.

Unending volleyball games - No! there's no way I could play another game, I am way too sore, there's no way....... ok one more game.

attacking the frisbee with the feroicity of a hyperactive drunken wildcat..... or penguin.....

being able to see my heartbeat through my shirt after I collasped after the frisbee episode

well water smells like it came from.... I don't wanna think about it

Bethany S. takin out Prath on the basketball court

Bethany W. in general

My life flashing before my eyes when both gerb and the ball were in the air at the same place at the same time

seeing some friends I hadn't seen since college

seeing some friends I hadn't seen it two weeks

meeting new friends that I had never seen before

scooters, dominos, basketball, dr pepper, frisbee, gutiars, volleyball (it hurts to even say that word) pizza, more dr pepper... ahhhhhhhhhhhh (a sigh of reflection and longing)

who want's pizza?

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