Friday, August 04, 2006

There once was a teacher that told her class that it was impossible for a human to be swallowed by a whale. That although it's mouth was huge; it's throat was to small for a human to fit through.

A small child spoke up and answered that Jonah had indeed been swallowed by a whale.

The teacher sharply replied to the child that she was wrong and it was scientifically impossible.

The child again answered "Well then when I get to heaven, I'll ask Jonah what really happened."

The Teacher harshly replied "What if he goes to hell?"

With out missing a beat the child said "Then you can ask him."


Luke said...

HA! I get it!

Angie said...

hilarious. HI CHRIS! I hope you're having a wonderful day/week/month...till the next time I see you :)