Monday, July 10, 2006


I was talkin to a friend of mine and he was like "yeah even though yer like a thousand miles away, it's good to keep up with you through your blog..... OH WAIT, NEVERMIND." and I was like "oh yeah I got one of those".


So what's new here? Let's see :

I found that in order to give the puppies a bath, one needs really good reflexes.

A deer that lived close by had an unhealthy crush on the car. I guess the car wasn't ready for a relationship and that whole situation ended up kinda bad. Did you know that a 150 pound deer carcass will disappear in the Kansas wild country in two days?

One cup of bleach and a gallon of water will cure just about anything that's growin on the house.

One cup of dish soap and 1/4 cup of glycerine and 12 cups of water make one heck of a bubble.

and last of all, I had my first family members from Illinois come out to visit since me and my beloved got married. Ed and Bonnie, we had a blast. We hope you guys come out again soon.


Luke said...


And there was much rejoicing in the land, for brother Christopher of the Fort Scottonites was truly still alive.

Love you man

Anonymous said...

Map + Jeep = Colorado.
Towels + china = Closet.
Map + closet = sadness.

Brought to you by the Colorado Tourism Council.

Luke said...

Therefore Map + Towels + china = sadness