Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Because I'm in a mood

Things that annoy me

people who say one thing and do another.

dogs who only bark after 2 in the morning

neighbors dogs who believe that everything in and on my property is INSIDE their territory and should be marked accordingly


people who flick cigarettes out the window that start LOTS of rather large prairie fires that cause burn bans

being outta dr pepper

redundancy, redundancy, and redundancy

giddy people at unearthly times in the morning

losing my wallet 5 times a stinkin day

going into the house with my keys in hand while looking for my wallet and upon finding my wallet, realizing that somewhere along the line I put my keys down and now I have to look for that

county road workers in general
specifically their desire to mutilate any living thing within 5 yards of the road regardless of who's property it is and what it's making the trees look like. If there were clean cuts on them I wouldn't mind them cutting my trees back, but when it looks like they were swinging a heavy chain to see what kind of damage would happen they can take the splintered remains and shove them in their exhaust pipes.

walmart greeters who wont greet me

people who complain alot.

I'll think of more later


Tifani said...

call someone a jerk...it'll help!

Luke said...

Where's the other half of that picture man! She's just as funny lookin' as you are. ;)

Have you tried yoga yet? Yoga is cool...Yooooooggaaaaaaa...it's also fun to say.

Angie said...

Hey I was gonna say the same thing...where'd ya get that picture Chris? ha ha...that was a while ago, eh?

Have a good one!