Friday, October 21, 2005

take out the trash

So In moving I have found that I'm a pack rat. I have heard of worse stories then this but there was a ton of stuff that needed to be disposed. Over half of it was sensitive stuff. Bank numbers, policy numbers, IRA documents, buncha boxes., blah blah blah. Well we dont have a shredder sooo... bonfire. My father in law just just cut downa buncha dead trees so the wood was not in short supply.

So finally no one is here to tell me anything like "you really shouldn't pile that wood that high" or "do you really need that much gas?" or "don't do that, there's dry grass everywhere" (actually I might of listened to that one) so I build a bonfire to be proud of.

Now I'm not the kind of boy scout that goes and finds dry twigs and starts small and builds. That takes way to much patience. I'm the kind of boy scout that went the the scout masters truck and syphoned the gas out and dumped out a couple gallons on my pile of trees and made a gas trail (writing my name in the ground of course) and lit a match and threw it.
Ahhhhh... good times.

anyhoo, I made my pile. made my puddle, made my trail, threw my match.....

it was wonderful.

I actually felt the blast.

Night was turned to day.

late fall turned to mid summer

I could see everything so clear....

Including the dry grass...

lets backtrack just a hair. The previous owners of the house had little kids. The kids had a playground in the back yard. The playground has a pretty wide area filled with woodchips with 4x4 boards forming a large border. this is where the fire is centered. Only problem is that it's filled with dry woodchips. oh well. details, details.

Funny part to me was that I couldn't burn the sensitive documents cause I couldn't get close enough to put them in. Which is not really a big deal because when I saw the that the grass had started to go, I kinda forgot about everything else.

The fire was fine, the woodchips simmered and actually smelled kinda good, it was just the gas trail kinda sorta maybe got a little to close to the grass. Like maybe on it. Like by a couple feet.

It took some dancin around but I got it out... Just in time to see that the chips had gotten past the simmering stage and started to burn too.

No biggee.

Didn't want them anyway.

All said and done. I had a blast, and when beloved got home and asked what I did, I jsut said, "well I got rid of some boxes, and um... some bank papers.... and umm... (cough)grass and gasoline(cough)".

Last night wasn't as exciting. I cleaned up some boxes and put a buncha stuff away and found a kitchen. It was great. Then I put a stereo system in said kitchen. THEEEEEENNNN I saw sommore boxes that needed to be burned...... hmmm...... I just rained.. everything is wet... less chance that something else not intended to burn would catch on fire.. which means I could possibably build a bigger one.... but then beloved got home. Maybe tonight.


Anonymous said...

Dude, Brett will be so jealous when I tell him!

We can't wait to see you Sunday.

Luke said...

And I thought the adventures would stop when you got married...little did I know she'd be gone 15 hrs a day on some days. :) Silly me

Anonymous said...

I'm with Luke on this, leaving you alone with gasoline, dry wood,and chores such as destroying sensitive papers...adventures abound. Keep em coming, just dont burn down the house, k? ;)
Texas Gal
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megs said...

hahaha!! funny stuff! just be careful chris! don't do anything I wouldn't do!!