Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Ya know It could be like last year and I would still say that...

Since that fateful day that I bashed in the gas tank on the jeep (stupid boulder), my gas gauge has not been the most reliable thing in the world. As a result I pretty much have to guess by miles when I'm gonna run dry. So I'm driving down national street when it starts sputtering....

not good.

I hit the clutch and it dies right away, and i keep the clutch in knowing that in about a 3/4 of a mile there's a station I can fill up at no biggie. So I'm creeping along and stop about 50 feet short of the pump. No problem.... BUT here's where the madness starts... I get to the station and they tell me that the pumps are broken and they cant pump any gas.

My attitude: no problem, I'll walk home (4 blocks) get the truck and a gas can and go to the other station in town.

SO I start walkin. It's hot but not that bad. Give Janelle a call to pass the time. I get to the house, and can't find the big gas can. So I dump out the 2 gallon lawnmower mix gas can and take that. I fill it up and get back to the jeep.

Problem: gas nozzle is extremely short and has a funky safety thingy on the front.
Result: I only get like a gallon into the tank.
Attitude: no problem, the station is really close, I can make it.

So I had to hang up so I could use both hands to use the gas can. Made it to the gas station, Filled up the jeep, drove it back to my house and put it near the garage. I go to put the lawn mower gas back and sitting right by the jet skiis is a 5 gallon gas can full and ready. I kinda get flustered about wasting the lawn mower gas but oh well, back to the truck.

So I start walkin, It's gettin hotter. Give Janelle a call to pass the time. (who by the way is getting a kick outta all this).

I get to the truck.
Problem: I got a tad flusterd with not finding the 5 gallon gas tank that was hiding in the middle of plain sight.
Result: I left the keys to the truck in the jeep.

At this time Janelle is about dying and makes a comment about me "batting a thousand" at that point.

If I didn't have her laughter to listen to, I probably woulda been extremely frustrated right about then.

Then my phone dies.
attitude hits rock bottom:
stupid jeep, stupid keys, stupid truck, stupid phone, stupid hot weather, stupid fickle minded feather brained idiot.

So I walk back to the house, it's getting freakin hot, I grab my keys and start walking to the truck. I wouIda called Janelle but the phone is dead. I get to the truck which had better start or I'm gonna.. I have no clue. It starts I get home, it's kinda late and lay in bed vow not to walk anymore anywhere ever again.... and I realize, I'm hungry, I didn't eat yet.
nell, I need a hug.

I bet my Heavenly Father had a great time molding my personality to make me so....... me.
I could just see Him lookin down on me goin. "Hey Angels!! Come over here and get a load of this guy! I love him so much! He totally cracks me up! Look at him.... so cute how absent minded this kid is. I made him like that ya know. His wife is gonna get a kick outta that. Remember that time he found his stereo remote in the freezer.........."



Anonymous said...

Cute story, that is something to think about - that God gave us all of out little personality quirks. For all those people that are annoyed by my laugh, God designed it!

Julie said...

You do know, don't you, that you're not supposed to talk on the cell phone and pump gas at the same time...

Luke said...


Whatever, that's a bunch of crap. :) I think Myth Busters did a thing on that once.

The correct answer is false. While there are many warnings circulating on the Internet — and even posted at gas stations — about the hazards of using a cell phone while pumping gas, there are no documented cases of a cell phone ever causing a fire or explosion at a gas station. Nor has anyone scientifically demonstrated that such a thing is even possible.

Chris said...

Hey Tina, I LOVE your laugh. I woud try to make you laugh for the soul purpose of hearing it.

Julie.. I DID hang up before trying to fill up cause I needed two hands.

Luke: NOT TRUE. One time, I poured gas on my cell phone and the other person blew up.

Julie said...

Chris: LOL! Where do you come up with this stuff??

Luke: You're right, it's not true, but when cell phones first became a thing for average people in the late eighties (when they were that huge box), they did have the potential of blowing up. That's where the myth came from.