Thursday, July 14, 2005

As is no warranty

Against recomendations by a near and dear friend, the name of my blog is not going to change to a certian sister-in-christ hottie's name whom I have been told by others that I mentioned WAY too much. I wonder if she is starting to get embarresed just a tad.

Heck, I would be.

But the name of the blog wont change, I like it.


anyhoo, I took last monday off for the road trip home so this thursday that should be a wednesday but feels like a friday is really screwing with me.

Softball tonight.
She won't be there again....
but her dad will..
tellin me that If I want to marry his daughter I'd better not get out.

no pressure.

Lost my wallet again, but found it in the jeep.
Along with the cash I had left over from a splurge at walmart...
I went in looking for a pair of sunglasses and if SOMEONE (who will remain nameless because I have been told that her name has been plastered way too much on here) would of picked up their phone and convinced me that the purchase of all three karate kid movies and the second season Dukes of Hazzard DVD set was not a life or death thing, I probably would of walked out. But alas she dropped the ball. :) Never did find the glasses.

"Just the good 'ol boys never meanin no harm
beats all you ever saw been in trouble with the law since the day they was born."

is it just me (which would just no suprise me anymore cause ya'll are weird) or after watching that, did your mother ever wonder if she would ever let you get a drivers license?
ahhhhh memories. I remember the first time I ever got air in the minivan....

hey look I did a whole post without mentioning her name.....
and yes it did about kill me.


Julie said...

Deep breaths, deeeeeeeeeeep breaths. See that wasn't so bad, now was it?

Chris said...

(removes paper bag from face)


Anonymous said...

Do you know the Dukes personally? I would love to know how they managed to shoot all the film when they were being chased by those goofy cops. I mean the did they have the same set up as the show Cops? You know somebody running around with a TV camera as the police jump fences and pin half slobbering people to the ground.