Thursday, June 30, 2005

Tale of two dr pepper cans

DP1: hey bob.... bob wake up, look! He's blogging

DP2: you sure? He always writes to that woman now, he doesn't blog anymore.

DP1: Yeah I can see the screen from here, I don't know what he's writitng yet but he's blogging.

DP2: Good, I hope it's better then that sappy junk that he's been writing lately. Have you seen that garbage?

DP1: Well I happen to think it's cute

DP2: No, seriously the guy has some problems. He used to write the best blogs, i loved his stories! now all he does is gush on that woman now. Sad, sad times.

DP1: oh give it a rest.

DP2: Blah blah blah Janelle blah blah beautiful eyes blah blah you complete me blah blah blah blah God gives me so much strength through you blah blah blah blessed beyond what I deserve. You could hit the guy with a brick and he wouldn't notice.

DP1: Are you still sore over that coke can that dumped you?

DP2: Hey that was low, all I am saying is it been barely two weeks and the dude is whipped. That's all. Pathetic. I miss the stories and babbling and stuff.

DP1: Well he still babbles, only to her, I think it's romantic

DP2: I think you got a screw loose.

DP1: have you seen him? Do you see the way his face looks? Have you seen him not smile yet? He just gazes at that picture while he sends her Emails

DP2: Stop it, I'm getting that puke taste in my mouth. It's like he dropped off the face of the earth. He doesn't talk to ANYONE ANMORE

DP1: HEY NOT TRUE, he talked to a buncha people last week.

DP2: But he doesn't talk about anything but her anymore!!

DP1: Um, yeah that the way it's supposed to be. Sold out remember? He had been waiting for this for a long time. Look at how she fits him perfect, like they were designed for each other

DP2: Soldout?

DP1: Soldout.

DP2: But what about the stories?

DP1: My guess is that they will be back, just probably about her.

DP2: That bites.

DP1: Get used to it.

DP2: Looks like he's finishing up, I wonder what he wrote......


DP2: pathetic

DP1: I hope he recycles you soon


Brooke said...


Luke said...

:) I miss you man.

Anonymous said...

It's true! In the middle of the word engaged is the word gag!

Anonymous said...

I can't say I'm gagging :) I'll have to agree with DP1. It's so awesome you guys have each other, I'm insanely happy for you two love birds! Though like Luke...I think I miss ya :(

Love the new background!