Monday, January 24, 2005

Saving Rether

Dear diary,

I restored light back to the temple in Tervos Bog thanks to the gravity boost pack and grapple hook that I found after defeating the dark fish thingy that ate it. Why it ate it? No clue. Maybe it ate that last guy who was wearing it and it digested all but the pack..... K that's kinda gross.

So one last quest. I must find the nine missing keys to the sky temple to gain access to the last fortress strong hold, but I am missing some much needed gear. I have to find the one explosive that can penetrate denzium. That will open up places on the map I have yet to access. The black enemy that call themselves the Ing know I am here. I have defeated many of their captains and they now fear my name.. so a spy had told me. As I gain more gear and weapons that are more potent to my new enemy, I come closer to ridding this war torn planet of its invaders.

One thing though is hindering progress.

Space Pirates.
I hate those guys.

I bumped into them before and they seemed to have remembered me. I tell ya, foil one master plot to take over a large part of the known universe and they hold a grudge till they die.... or I die, which is what they are trying to accomplish. Very not nice kind of guys and they are ugly as all get out. From what evidence I have snuck into their facility and gathered, I have come to realize that their current exploits are really not that different from that of their last ones; playing with toys that just were not meant to be played with. I have learned that they too know of the Ing and Ironically fight them as well. Nasty little game they play. From what research I have conducted in their lab (which, by the way, they disapproved of and tried to kill me, again not very nice guys) I have learned that back about 3-4 cycles ago there was a comet that impacted this serene planet with such force that it caused a dimensional rift. In this parallel dimention is an element called phazon which holds imeasureable radation properties. This is the same stuff that the pirates craved at the time of our first meeting, and once more is the object of their obsession. Needless to say, it’s not good for anyone for these guys to get their hands on this stuff. The power that could be harnessed with this stuff is currently aiding the Ing in the destruction of this planet, and I really don’t care to guess what the pirates could do with a vast supply such as this. Last time the experments conductied with a small about of the element almost proved too much.

By freak accident, the element fused with my gear when an opponets radiation consumed me after I defeated him, and only then (with extream will power) was I barely able to defeat them.

The dimensional rift means the energy that was once used by only one planet, and all it's lifeforms thereof, are now shared by two. The rift in dimensions has opened of many portals between the worlds and can be traveled as long as one has the right tools. Caution must be exercised as the very air of the dark planet is poison and will corrode even steel. Again some gear I found after destroying one of the Ing proved useful against this foul climate.

War between the two planets has destroyed all but a few and the darkness is gaining power, ironically which will lead to it's own demise from what I can gather. Once energy from the planets core reaches dangerously low enough levels the planet will become unstable and will explode/implode or whatever. Yeah that's a bad thing and it's not going to happen as long as I have breath, which is a problem the Ing and the Pirates are trying to remedy.

So onward I fight, a three way war, me verses everybody else with all my allies dead or in hiding. I must find the sky temple keys which are hidden in both dimensions. I cannot fail. If it even leads to my demise, so be it.

I am the one the Pirates call The Hunter. I am the one the Ing call The Warrior. To my allies, I am The Hero. To me.... I am what I am, and right now I have a destiny to fill, a people to rescue, a planet to save.

I am out manned, out gunned, out resourced, and they are looking for me....

that saves me the trouble of lookin for them.

bring it.


Anonymous said...

You are weird. Stuff like this makes me wonder how you and Brett ever got along as roommates.


PS If you build it they will come!!!

Chris said...

A single magnet has completely opposite polarity at each end and yet it's one solid unit. Such is with the bast of friends. We got along perfect cause we were complete opposites and enjoyed our differences.

so there.
Thibbbbbit!!! (the sound that comes when the tounge is stuck out of the mouth with the lips closed around it followed closely by a strong exhale)

build what?
A Jacuzzi!

I miss you amos lou