Saturday, April 29, 2006

awake... kinda

It's been a bit since my last five in the morning post being up at 4:30 makes me question the sanity of people who do this by choice instead of by necessity. Especially old people, why when I was your age, i had to go wake the rooster up so he could crow! Then after that, we when out and killed our breakfast. Do you youngens some good to kill your breakfast now and again.. BUILDS CHARACTER!! i........uh...zzzzzzzzzzz.

any who it's been a couple weeks since my last post and we got some catching up to do....

First off before I show the first picture I need the public to know that this wasn't my fault. But at the same time EXTREAMLY cool to see the front lawn engulfed in flames. I'm too tired to go into detail. Maybe later.

AND OF COURSE there is the puppies at two months and 24 days old.

almost getting to big to hold... almost.
again that's lucy on the left at 15lbs and charlie on the right at 17lbs.

both are sleeping right now and so should I be.
I'm going back to bed.