Monday, January 31, 2005

holding what's left of my tounge

two words for ya.


I don't know how...
All I remember is pain and then a metal taste from the blood. So the tip is gone and I'm talking weird and everybody is laughing here at work and I wanna go home.....

but first

I had a good weekend for all those concered. I'm tired and need to go home and do my laundry and continue my strict diet of dr pepper and frozen pizza, but first I would like to share some highlights of the weekend.

Anna doin a steady 80 miles and hour all the way to goodfeild, most of it spent in more then one lane

K Prath in a blue fuzzy hat, rock star glasses and a gold necklace

climbing anthony like a scared raccon after being attacked by Will.

Unending volleyball games - No! there's no way I could play another game, I am way too sore, there's no way....... ok one more game.

attacking the frisbee with the feroicity of a hyperactive drunken wildcat..... or penguin.....

being able to see my heartbeat through my shirt after I collasped after the frisbee episode

well water smells like it came from.... I don't wanna think about it

Bethany S. takin out Prath on the basketball court

Bethany W. in general

My life flashing before my eyes when both gerb and the ball were in the air at the same place at the same time

seeing some friends I hadn't seen since college

seeing some friends I hadn't seen it two weeks

meeting new friends that I had never seen before

scooters, dominos, basketball, dr pepper, frisbee, gutiars, volleyball (it hurts to even say that word) pizza, more dr pepper... ahhhhhhhhhhhh (a sigh of reflection and longing)

who want's pizza?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Hark, methinks boredom doth come!

To be, or not to to thine own self be true, yet there is method in that it should come to this! Methinks brevity is the soul of wit but I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it for ever and a day with an honest tale being plainly told but love is blind, and lovers cannot see, why, then the world 's mine for the short and the long of it for I cannot tell what the dickens his name is and as good luck would have it, our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. So first thing we do is kill all the lawyers because small things make base men proud and not budge an inch for to cry "Et tu, Brute!" for as he was valiant, I honor him; but, as he was ambitious, I slew him, So out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying that nothing will come of nothing having more than thou showest, speaking less than thou knowest, and lending less than thou owest but the worst is not, So long as we can say, 'This is the worst.' but since that is neither here nor there I would galdly say Men of few words are the best men for the rain it raineth every day.

Yeah no less then 28 references there.
Sitck that in your Shakespeare pipe and smoke it.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Saving Rether

Dear diary,

I restored light back to the temple in Tervos Bog thanks to the gravity boost pack and grapple hook that I found after defeating the dark fish thingy that ate it. Why it ate it? No clue. Maybe it ate that last guy who was wearing it and it digested all but the pack..... K that's kinda gross.

So one last quest. I must find the nine missing keys to the sky temple to gain access to the last fortress strong hold, but I am missing some much needed gear. I have to find the one explosive that can penetrate denzium. That will open up places on the map I have yet to access. The black enemy that call themselves the Ing know I am here. I have defeated many of their captains and they now fear my name.. so a spy had told me. As I gain more gear and weapons that are more potent to my new enemy, I come closer to ridding this war torn planet of its invaders.

One thing though is hindering progress.

Space Pirates.
I hate those guys.

I bumped into them before and they seemed to have remembered me. I tell ya, foil one master plot to take over a large part of the known universe and they hold a grudge till they die.... or I die, which is what they are trying to accomplish. Very not nice kind of guys and they are ugly as all get out. From what evidence I have snuck into their facility and gathered, I have come to realize that their current exploits are really not that different from that of their last ones; playing with toys that just were not meant to be played with. I have learned that they too know of the Ing and Ironically fight them as well. Nasty little game they play. From what research I have conducted in their lab (which, by the way, they disapproved of and tried to kill me, again not very nice guys) I have learned that back about 3-4 cycles ago there was a comet that impacted this serene planet with such force that it caused a dimensional rift. In this parallel dimention is an element called phazon which holds imeasureable radation properties. This is the same stuff that the pirates craved at the time of our first meeting, and once more is the object of their obsession. Needless to say, it’s not good for anyone for these guys to get their hands on this stuff. The power that could be harnessed with this stuff is currently aiding the Ing in the destruction of this planet, and I really don’t care to guess what the pirates could do with a vast supply such as this. Last time the experments conductied with a small about of the element almost proved too much.

By freak accident, the element fused with my gear when an opponets radiation consumed me after I defeated him, and only then (with extream will power) was I barely able to defeat them.

The dimensional rift means the energy that was once used by only one planet, and all it's lifeforms thereof, are now shared by two. The rift in dimensions has opened of many portals between the worlds and can be traveled as long as one has the right tools. Caution must be exercised as the very air of the dark planet is poison and will corrode even steel. Again some gear I found after destroying one of the Ing proved useful against this foul climate.

War between the two planets has destroyed all but a few and the darkness is gaining power, ironically which will lead to it's own demise from what I can gather. Once energy from the planets core reaches dangerously low enough levels the planet will become unstable and will explode/implode or whatever. Yeah that's a bad thing and it's not going to happen as long as I have breath, which is a problem the Ing and the Pirates are trying to remedy.

So onward I fight, a three way war, me verses everybody else with all my allies dead or in hiding. I must find the sky temple keys which are hidden in both dimensions. I cannot fail. If it even leads to my demise, so be it.

I am the one the Pirates call The Hunter. I am the one the Ing call The Warrior. To my allies, I am The Hero. To me.... I am what I am, and right now I have a destiny to fill, a people to rescue, a planet to save.

I am out manned, out gunned, out resourced, and they are looking for me....

that saves me the trouble of lookin for them.

bring it.

Monday, January 10, 2005

of thumbs and kneecaps

I'd appoligize for not writing you guys for so long but I have no idea who reads this so I have no clue who to apoligize to. So I'll just say I'm sorry to my beautiful mac for not playing on it as much as I should. Macs are people too ya know.

Just got a e-mail from a long lost friend called kupf. He actually ended up in japan where he is studing how they play football in japan and how, once you start playing a sport in japan, ya can't quit because it's dishonorable and they behead you or something. Really really good to hear from you kupf, keep the mails coming. You rock, and I miss making videos of you hanging on the the back of my car with your skateboard in morton.... that rocked.

As all things come and go, it is a sorrowful time at here at sekan, my friend, my pal, my Mac, is being replaced.
(sniff, sniff)

oh well easy come easy go

peeps, say hello to my new friend, Mr G5 OS10 tiger. Can you say "time to take over the world!"? The flat screen on this puppy brings tears of joy to my eyes as it seems to be the little brother to the screen that dear beloved brother andy stoller has at his house. I'm thinking about bringing a sleeping bag to work so I don't ever have to be parted with it.

For all who want to join my pity party that I am throwing for myself, I missed christmas this year. Reguardless of the Scrooge type attitude I put on before, all I wanted this year was to give my little sister the hat, gloves, and scarf that I got her this year.
That's it.
She loves hats.
I spent close to three hours in a chicago mall looking for the perfect set (which by the way, SO worth it)
and then I miss my familys christmas.

I'm sorry livi that I couldn't find them in lime green, I looked, I really did. I hope you like them, I put them in a lime green bag with lime green tissue paper. I'll see you next month the weekend of angie's and robie's wedding. I promise.